Default Installation: upgrade-in-place, replaces highest previous version located
The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwiftX where X represents the highest PlanSwift version located. You can change this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive; we encourage you to change this to PlanSwift11 and import your data from the previous version to avoid the possibility of losing data.
When you are done installing and launch the program (assuming you installed to a new folder, not an upgrade-in-place), Click Home > Import Jobs and Templates to import data from the previous version of PlanSwift. (If you have already upgraded from say PlanSwift 9 to PlanSwift 10 but never uninstalled PS9, PS11.0.0.89 allows you to import jobs/templates from PS9 only. To import data from PS10, you must uninstall PS9 first.)
Upgrading PlanSwift to PlanSwift
Upgrading PlanSwift 10 to PlanSwift (PS10 upgraded PS9)