From Document Viewer, you can send project Plans, Specifications, and other project documents to your favorite takeoff software or open the project directly in ConstructConnect Takeoff.
Sending Projects to Takeoff Applications Video (hold down <CTRL> and click link to open in new window)
Opening a Project in ConstructConnect Takeoff
If your company owns licenses for ConstructConnect Takeoff, you’ll see the button for CCTO in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Click the ConstructConnect Takeoff button and the project is sent to the Takeoff cloud so it can be opened it the desktop application. Once prepared, you’ll see a confirmation screen.
Click Open ConstructConnect Takeoff if you already have CCTO installed (if not, click link below that button to download and install CCTO, then come back to this page).
If you’re having trouble opening CCTO, please uninstall and reinstall the application. If problems persist, contact Customer Service.
When you click Open…Takeoff, you’ll usually see a prompt such as this. Check the box to Always allow… and then click Open ConstructConnect Takeoff.
ConstructConnect Takeoff launches if it isn’t running already and your Project is opened automatically to the first Page.
It may take a few minutes for all Pages to be downloaded and become available.
When updated project documents are posted to this Project, the project in CCTO will reflect those changes automatically as additional Plan Sets/Revisions of Pages.
For more information about using Platform projects in CCTO, see: Working with Project Intelligence Projects in the ConstructConnect Takeoff User Guide.
Opening in On-Screen Takeoff or PlanSwift
First, select the plans and documents you want to download in the Documents tab.
Next, click the “Open With” drop-down.
On-Screen Takeoff - see Creating Projects from (CCPI and CC Bid Center) using OST-Connect
PlanSwift - see Creating (Importing) a Job from ConstructConnect into PlanSwift using PS-Connect
Follow the instructions in the user guides for those products on how to install the Connect utility and download documents.
When updated project documents are posted to this Project in the Platform, you must manually download and match them to existing Pages.