Modernized search offers a user-friendly search experience, allowing you to quickly find projects and companies. Improved keyword search and filtering options make finding relevant results easier than ever. Modernized search is currently only available as a beta experience for CCPI Pro users.

We are continuing to improve Beta Search, so some features that are currently unavailable will be coming soon. To stay up-to-date with new features being added to Beta Search, see Product Reveal Notes.

On the Beta Search page, you can find projects or companies that match your business needs. There are multiple ways to customize your search and find the most relevant projects for you, such as applying filters or keywords to narrow down your search.

View the sections below to learn how to navigate the Search page:

How do I get to the Beta Search page?

From the sidebar navigation menu, click on the spyglass icon and click Beta Search.


Navigating the Beta Search Page

Projects / Companies Tabs

Right underneath the page title, you will see the Projects and Companies tabs. Select the option that you want to search for to get started.


Note: The selected tab will have a darker gray background than the unselected tab. Projects is the default selection.

Note: The selected tab will have a darker gray background than the unselected tab. Projects is the default selection.

Filters Menu

Just below the Projects / Companies tab, click on the Filters button to open the filters menu.


This is where you can fine tune your search to find the most relevant projects and companies to you.


Note: You can see the number of filters applied to your search listed in the Filters button. At least one filter must be applied to see a number.

Note: You can see the number of filters applied to your search listed in the Filters button. At least one filter must be applied to see a number.

To close the filters menu, click the close icon in the top right of the filters menu or click the filters button.


To view a full glossary of projects and company filters and understand how they work, see Search Page Filters Glossary.

Search Bar

Next to the filters button you will see the search bar. This is where you can apply keywords to your search, choose what parts of project or information you want to search within, and view your recent searches.


For full details on how to use Keyword Search, see Keyword Search.

Load Search, Save Search As, and New Search Buttons (Loading and Saving Searches Coming Soon)


Note: Saving and loading searches will be available in Beta Search soon. You can still access these features through the standard Search experience.

Note: Saving and loading searches will be available in Beta Search soon. You can still access these features through the standard Search experience.

On the top right of the Search page, you will see three buttons: Load Search, Save Search As, and New Search. These three options allow you to run any of the searches that you have saved, save a new search, and clear your current search settings to return to the system default search.


For more information on saving, loading, and clearing searches, see Saved Searches.

Search Results Section

Under the search bar you will see the results section. This is where you will find the projects or companies that match your search selections.


For more information on the results section, see Projects and Companies Search Results.

Search Results Viewing Options

In the top right corner of the search results section when searching for projects, you can select List, Map, or Show Preview to change how you want to view your search results.


Note: When searching for companies, your results will always be displayed in List view.

Note: When searching for companies, your results will always be displayed in List view.


For more information on project search results view options, see Projects and Companies Search Results.

The bottom right of the page displays how many projects or companies you are viewing on each page and how many total projects or companies are in your search results.


When in List view, click Rows per page dropdown to select the number of rows you prefer to see per page and use the left and right arrows to navigate between pages.
