
Returns the IPoint object from the given index position.


Procedure: GetPoint(PointIndex: Integer): IPoint

API Calls


// PlanSwift Code:

If Item.PointCount > 0 Then
  AProp := Item.GetPoint(0);

// FreshDesk Code:

  ps: IPlanSwift;
  est: IItem;
  itm: IItem;
  sect: IItem;
  pt: IPoint;
  // Create Planswift Interface
  ps := coPlanswift.Create;
  // Get the estimating tab
  est := ps.GetItem('Job\Takeoff');
  // Create a NewItem
  itm := est.NewItem('Area', 'GetPoint Example');
  // Create a New Section
  sect := itm.NewSection('GetPoint Section');
  // Add 4 Points to the section on the current page
  sect.NewPoint(0, 0);
  sect.NewPoint(100, 0);
  sect.NewPoint(100, 100);
  sect.NewPoint(0, 100);
  // Show Message that box was drawn
  ShowMessage('Box Drawn');
  // Get the thrid drawn poing
  pt := sect.GetPoint(3);
  // set it to a new postion
  sect.SetPoint(3, pt.X, pt.Y + 100);
  // Show message the the 4th point was moved
  ShowMessage('Point 4 has been Moved');
  // Free Plnaswift
  ps := nil;


public class PlanswiftApi
    private PlanSwift Planswift { get; }
    public PlanSwiftApi()
        Planswift = new PlanSwift();

Coming soon


Coming soon

Coming soon