If you are receiving an error message from PlanSwift 9.5 when attempting to update to PlanSwift 10.0; it is because you need to run a full install of PlanSwift 10. We have changed the check for updates version to show a link to the download for PlanSwift 10. You should now see a screen that looks like this: 

This should start a download for the PlanSwift 10 installer .exe file.  You can also click here to download the latest version of PlanSwift as well.

Caution: Best practice is to back up before updating just in case something goes wrong. If you can, make a copy of your data folder from PlanSwift 9, C:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwift9\Data and save it somewhere safe! 

If you want to install over top of the PlanSwift 9 directory, you can do so. This option will use all your old jobs. Just make sure you have the directory set to where you installed. Below is a screenshot showing the default location that PlanSwift installs to and a prompt asking to over-write. 

If you choose to install to a new directory, you can easily put your jobs in PlanSwift 10 just by copying over your jobs using File Explorer. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwift9\Data\Storages\Local, copy the jobs folder, then you can merge it into the jobs folder on the PlanSwift 10 install, 

C:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwift10\Data\Storages\Local

(Notice the only difference by the default installs are the "9" and the "10" after PlanSwift.)