Takeoff Drop Down Menus

File Menu

Edit Menu

Tools Menu

Assembly Menu

Globals Menu

Factor Menu

Window Menu

Digitizer Menu

Help Menu

Ten Key Entry Instructions

Once the feature is enabled under the Tools drop down menu, you will see the Item Codes appear over each of their icons on the Rectangular, Accessory, Round, and Oval palettes

Now that this feature has been turned on you can use your 10 key pad on your keyboard to call up items, input their sizes and enter them into your Takeoff.

To use the 10 key simply call up the item by typing + then the number of the item and then hitting Enter. Example: to call up a Rectangular Square Elbow, type in + 2 Enter. You can then use the - key to move through the entry fields as you put in the dimensions needed.

The / key will allow you to then use the arrow keys to select a gauge change if needed. The * key will allow you to use the arrow keys to change the liner is so required.

Page Up and Page Down keys will allow you to scroll up or down.

Adding New Users and Assigning Permissions

Open the QuoteSoft Duct program and follow the instructions listed below to set up new users with permissions.

  1. Click the Administration button from the Main Menu.
  2. Click the Add New User button below the list of users.
  3. Type in the user’s log in name. This should be something that can be typed quickly and easily.
  4. Type in the user’s password. Only numbers and letters are allowed in the password. You can leave this field blank and the program will not require a password.
  5. Type in the user’s real name. Use their full name (for reporting purposes).
  6. Select the new name in Users List and click one of the attribute buttons:
    1. Administrator  full access to the program
    2. Power User – full access EXCEPT no access to the Administration page
    3. Regular User  only allowed to input jobs, takeoff zones, and run reports
    4. Custom User  specify exactly what you wish to allow them access to by clicking the Show Security Settings button and enabling/disabling access to sections of the program.
  7. Return to the Main Menu and your user has been set up.

Creating a Backup of the Jobs and Data Files

Open the QuoteSoft Duct program and follow the instructions listed below to create a backup of the Jobs, Data Files, or both.

  1. Click the Maintenance button from the Main Menu.
  2. On the lower right of the page, click Backup Server Information to a Single QXP File.
  3. Click one of the options available to you:
    1. Both  will back up both the Data Files and the Job Files
    2. Data Files  will only back up the Data Files
    3. Job Files  will only back up the Job Files
  4. Type in a file name for your Backup. We recommend using the date in the file name (e.g. 9-3-15_Backup)
  5. Choose a location to save the file and click OK.
  6. Once the program has completed the file, you have successfully backed up your data.

When you restore, you will be overwriting information that you currently have in the program. This will restore only what files are saved in your backup, and will not overwrite or remove files that exist in your current setup but not in the backup.

!!Important!! All other users must be out of the program before you continue with the restore.

Transfer Pressure File Information

Open the QuoteSoft Duct program and follow the instructions below to transfer information from one pressure file to another or to a group at the same time.

  1. Go to the Setup Menu and click the Transfer button at the bottom of the page.
  2. In the top (red) section, click the Choose button and select the file to use as the base (the file to pull information from).
  3. Select either Single Pressure Files or Multiple Files in the Yellow section.
  4. Select the pressure file(s) that you wish to push the information into.
  5. In the green section, check the boxes of the data you wish to have transferred from the base file.
  6. Click the Transfer button. When it is complete, click OK and then Return to Setup Menu.

Sample 2″ W.G. Construction Standards

Blank Construction Standards

Printing a new Accessory Palette for Digitizer Template

Within QuoteSoft Duct you are allowed to move item locations in the Accessory Palette. Doing so will cause the Digitizer Template to no longer match what is available on the Takeoff screen. Follow these instructions to print a new template.

  1. Click on the Setup Menu button from the Main Menu.
  2. Click the Accessories Tab and select the Accessories File. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click on the Create Template Picture button.
  4. Select the Server 2005 Template option and click the Print Screen Picture button.
  5. Cut out the new template and tape it over the original.

Creating a New Setup

QuoteSoft Duct has the capacity to use up to 10 different Setups. To create a new setup, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Click on the Setup Menu button from the Main Menu.
  2. Select the Central Options button on the left hand menu.
  3. Click the Program Architecture page.
  4. The Data Setup list is on the left, click the button just to the right "Add New Setup"
  5. Type in the name for the new Setup. You can create separate Setups for;
    1. Material Types  have a setup for Galvanized, Black Iron, Stainless, etc.
    2. Locations  create a setup for each city, state, area that you work in.
    3. Construction Types  have setups for New Construction, Remodels, whatever is required to have a completely different setup and labor hour calculations.
  6. Next you'll be asked a series of questions about copying pressure files, data files, options files, etc.
  7. After completing these steps, close the Central Options file, return to the Main Menu and you'll see the progress bar load the new Setup. You can now make changes to the new Setup that will not affect the original.
  8. ACS Report Groups