
Returns the child item at the given index position.


Procedure: ChildItem(Index: Integer): IItem;

API Call:

//PlanSwift Code:
Result := 'No Child Items';
If Item.ChildCount > 0 then
  Result := Item.ChildItem(0).Name;

//FreshDesk Code:
ps: IPlanSwift;
  est: IItem;
  i: Integer;
  itm: IItem;
  txt: String;
  // Create Planswift Interface
  ps := coPlanswift.Create;
  // Get the estimating tab
  est := ps.GetItem('Job\Takeoff');
  // Loop Through all Child items on the estimating tab
  for i := 0 to est.ChildCount - 1 do
    // Get the child item
    itm := est.ChildItem[i];
    // Write the chiled item to the text
    txt := txt + itm.Name + #13#10;
  // Show the all the child items on the first level
  ShowMessage('First Level estimating Items:' + #13#13 + txt);
  // Free planswift
  ps := nil;
public class PlanswiftApi
    private PlanSwift Planswift { get; }
    public PlanSwiftApi()
        Planswift = new PlanSwift();
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