
Returns the property resultasa Double.


Procedure: ResultAsFloat: Double;

API Call:

PlanSwift Code:

Result := Property.ResultAsFloat;

FreshDesk Code:

procedure psPropertyResults;
  ps: IPlanSwift;
  itm: IItem;
  txt: string;
  propString: String;
  propFloat: Extended;
  PropInt: Integer;
  propvariant: OleVariant;
  prop: IPropertyObject;
  //Create the Planswift Interface
  ps := coPlanswift.Create;
  //Get the Selected item
  itm := ps.SelectedItem;
  //IF no Item is selected then exit
  if varisclear(itm) then begin
    showMessage('Please Select an Item');
    ps := nil;
  //Get the parent Item
  itm := itm.parentItem;
  //Get the name Property as a string
  prop := itm.GetProperty('Type');
  propString := prop.ResultAsString;
  //Get the Qty value as Float or Extended
  prop := itm.GetProperty('Linear Total');
  propFloat := prop.ResultAsFloat;
  //Get the Point Count as an Integer
  prop := itm.GetProperty('Point Count');
  PropInt := prop.ResultAsInteger;
  //Get Takeoff Value as a Variant
  prop := itm.GetProperty('Linear Total');
  propvariant := prop.ResultAsVariant;
  //Set Text and Show Message
  txt := 'Property Type String: ' + propString + #13#10;
  txt := txt + 'Property Linear Total Float: ' + FloatToStr(propFloat) + #13#10;
  txt := txt + 'Property Point Count Integer: ' + IntToStr(propInt) + #13#10;
  txt := txt + 'Property Linear Total Variant: ' + varToStr(propvariant) + #13#10;
  //Free Planswift Interface
  ps := nil;
public class PlanswiftApi
    private PlanSwift Planswift { get; }
    public PlanSwiftApi()
        Planswift = new PlanSwift();
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