In 9.3 you will find page / sheet information located around the sheet.

1. Current Scale of the sheet 1/4"=1'-0", etc. (if you have selected two points to scale on the sheet, this area will display "Manually Scaled").

2. Actual Sheet size. This is useful for determining print size as well as scale. (If the sheet size is showing actual size: 42x30 for example, you can probably use a standard scale. However, if this sheet size is not the actual size you will probably need to manually scale the sheet; the sheet below has been manually scaled because the sheet size is off.)

3. Current user as specified in the Settings > Company > User location / Date and time the current job was last opened / Location and name of the lock file (deleting the lock file listed here will unlock the sheet for editing, in case of computer failure).

4. Measurement Type: Imperial (Standard) or Metric.

Note: To see this information, you may need to Zoom to Max or Zoom out - Click here for more information about zooming.