Working with saved project searches

Working with saved project searches

You can save any of your project searches for future use. Your saved searches run automatically each day and the results are posted on the Snapshot window. You can add email alerts to your searches and have the search results delivered to your inbox at regular intervals. You can also modify the criteria of any of your saved searches at any time. 

This section contains the following topics:  


Before you begin

  • You can only modify searches that are assigned just to you. You cannot modify a search assigned jointly to you and another user.
  • See Understanding the Manage Searches menu for information about the following:
    • Assigning project searches to all users.
    • Setting one of your saved searches to run automatically each time you log in.

Saving a project search 

You can save the current filter set as a new search, change the name of an existing search, and save any modifications to an existing search with either the same name or a new name.

Note: You can also modify existing searches using the techniques described in Understanding the Manage Searches menu.

To save a search,


Once a search runs, click one of the following from the top of the project list:

  • Save Search for a new search.
  • Save > Save As if you want to make any modifications to an existing search, including the name.

Result: The Save Search menu is displayed:

ConstructConnect Leads save search dialog box

2Click Load this search when I log in to have the results of the search displayed in the Leads window each time you log in.
Click Display on Snapshot if you want the totals for this search to be listed on the Snapshot menu. Note that the maximum number of searches that can be listed on this menu is ten. 

The Search Tags feature lets you add a color-coded tag to any of your saved searches to identify projects and companies that match exact criteria.

Search tags are displayed in the following locations:  

  • in the search results on the line next to the matching project or company

ConstructConnect Leads Search Tags example in a search

ConstructConnect Leads search tags example in company details ConstructConnect Leads search tags example in project details


  • For information about editing tags, see Understanding the Manage Searches menu.
  • The Tag feature may not be available for your account. For more information, contact your account representative.

To set up search tags,


In the row for Search Tag, click Select Color.

Result: The color menu is displayed:

ConstructConnect Leads color picker


Click on the tabs at the top of the menu for the options for selecting the color:

Basic Colors - Use the sliders to adjust the colors. Click in the box to select the color.

Saved Colors - These are the colors that are already in use. Click to select the color.

Advanced - Use the sliders to adjust the colors. Click in the bottom box to select the color.

For more information about using tags in your search, click here to see the Search Tags video.

5In the Name your search box, enter either
  • the name for the new search or
  • a different name if you are renaming an existing search. If you are only changing search options, continue to the next step.

The email alert feature sends you an email

  • when a new project is added that matches the search criteria and
  • each time there is a significant change to an existing project matching the search criteria.

To set email alerts for a search,

  • select Get email alerts for this search.
  • Select the days of the week to receive alerts.
  • Select either Project List or Project Details -
    • Project List only shows a list of projects with updates.
    • Project Details shows the details for each project with updates.
Click CRM Export to have the search results exported in XML or CSV format to your CRM system every 24 hours. For more information about this feature, contact your sales representative or Customer Service.

Note: For an overview and documentation of this feature, see About NASD mapping.

8To view the current filter set for the search, click Click here to expand filters. You can keep these settings or close the menu and revise the filter settings.

Note: You can also edit existing searches using the techniques described in Understanding the Manage Searches menu

Do you want to save the search with the current filters?

  • If yes, continue to the next step.
  • If no, and you want to revise the filter settings, click Cancel to close the menu and use the Filters menu to change your settings (all filter settings are saved with the search). For more information, see Filtering the project list.

Click Save.

Result: Your search is saved and is listed in the following locations:

  • The Select a search to load menu in the upper right side of the main Leads window:

ConstructConnect Leads select search to load

Tip: Hovering over a shortened search name shows the full search name.

  • The saved search tile on the Snapshot menu if you selected that option. 

ConstructConnect Leads Snapshot screen

Working with the Manage Searches menu

The Manage Searches menu lets you  export, rename, delete, and set up email alerts and CRM exports for your saved searches.

Note: You can only modify searches assigned just to you. You cannot modify a search that is assigned jointly to you and another user.

Accessing the  Manage Searches menu

  • From the Welcome menu on any page, click your name and then click Manage Searches:

ConstructConnect Leads Manage Searches menu

Click the arrow for Leads Saved Searches

Result:The Manage Searches  menu  is displayed:

ConstructConnect Leads Manage Searches screen 

Understanding the Manage Searches menu

The following table describes the options in the Manage Searches  menu. 

Load this search when I log in

Use to select one of your saved searches to run each time you log in and have the results automatically displayed in the window.

To use this feature,

  • select the saved search from the Select a search to load list.

Result: Each time you log in the results of your selected default search are displayed.


You can export any of your saved searches as a formatted Excel spreadsheet. The exported data includes the search name, the assigned users, if the search appears on the Snapshot, and if the search is setup for email alerts and CRM export.

To export a list of your searches,

  • Select either individual searches or check the box at the top of the list to select all searches.
  • Click Export from the top of the menu.

Result:The export runs and you are alerted when the export is ready to download.

Note: In the spreadsheet, the status of email alerts and CRM export selections is shown as either True or False:

  • for Email alerts
    • True indicates that email alerts are set up for the search.
    • False indicates that there are no email alerts for the search.
  • for CRM Export
    • True indicates that the search is set for CRM export.
    • False indicates that the search is not set for CRM export.
Assign Search

For customers administrators, use to assign searches to yourself and to other users.

To assign searches,

  • Select the searches you want to assign.
  • Click Assign > Assign Search.
  • Select the users for the search in the menu.
  • Click Assign Search.
    Note: You can also assign searches from the project list page once a search has run. For information, see Assigning a search.
Assign Search Tag

For customer administrators, use to assign tagged searches to users in your company.

Note: This option is only available when a tagged search is selected in the Leads Saved Searches list.

To assign a tagged search,

  • Select one or more tagged searches in the list.
  • Click Assign > Assign Search Tag.
  • In the Assign Search Tag menu, select the users that you want to assign to the search.
  • Click Assign Search Tag.

Result: Going forward, the assigned users receive updates any time there is a significant update to matching projects or new projects matching the search criteria.

Note: You can also assign tagged searches from the project list. For more information, see Assigning a tagged search.

Delete Use to delete searches from your account. Note that you cannot delete shared searches.

Caution! Deleting searches is permanent. You cannot recover deleted searches.

  • Select the searches you want to delete.
  • Click Delete.
  • In the caution message, click Yes.

Filtering by:

  • search name
  • user name

You can filter the list by both the Search Name and by Assigned Users values.

  • At the top of either column, click the arrow to display the filter box.
  • Enter the term you want to filter by and then press Enter.

    Result: The menu refreshes and your filtering term is at the top of the menu.

Search NameThis is the name of the search. You can save the search with a different name using the rename feature, described below.

 Note: Clicking on the search name runs the search. You can use this feature change the criteria of the search, including the name.

Assigned UsersThese are the account names of the users assigned to the search.
Display on SnapshotWhen checked, indicates that the search name and key totals are one of ten possible searches listed on the search summary tile on the Snapshot window.

 Note: Remove the check from a search if you want to add a search and have reached the ten search limit.

Search Tags

Use to edit the tags for a search. You can change the color or remove the tag:

  • Click on the tag to open the color selection menu.
  • Click the x to remove the tag from the search.

For more information, see the step for tagging searches in Saving a project search.

Email Alerts
These are the email alert settings for the search. You can only add or edit email alert settings for searches assigned to you.

Note: The envelope email icon is closed when no alert is set and open when an alert is active.

 To add or modify email alerts,

In the Email Alerts column, click the envelope email icon on the line for the search.

Result: The Manage Email Alerts menu for the search is displayed. Any existing alerts are shown with the days selected and the type of email selected.

Select the desired days of the week for the email alert to be sent.
Select either Project List or Project Details:
  • Project List only delivers a list of the projects that match your search criteria.
  • Project Details is an expanded view of the details for all of the projects that match your search criteria.
Click Save.

Result: Your email alert settings are saved.


To rename a search,

  • In the Rename column, click the pencil icon on the line for the search.
  • In the box, type the new name for the search.
  • Click Save.

    Result: The menu refreshes and the new name is shown in the list.

CRM Export

You can add or remove CRM export to any search. Note that the folder icon is green when CRM is assigned to a search. For more information, see CRM Information and Guides.

To use this feature,

  • In the CRM Export column, click the folder icon on the line for the search.
  • In the menu, select the user account to associate with the CRM export or clear the check to remove users from the export.
  • Click Save.

Result: The menu refreshes and your changes are displayed in the CRM Export column.

Modifying searches from the search summary tile

The search summary tile on the Snapshot lists the names and the key totals of up to ten of your saved searches:

ConstructConnect Leads Snapshot screen

  Once you run a search from this menu, you can use the Filters menu to modify the results and then save the search with the modifications.

  • Click on a search name to run the search. 

  • To modify a saved search with different filters or to change the name of the search, see Working with the Project List.

Note: You cannot modify searches assigned jointly to you and other users.

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