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James Hardie Pro Starter Pack
Starter Pack Updated: 8/23/2022 - updated Assemblies and Parts including Count Parts and Architectural Assemblies.
First, you'll need to download and install your Starter Pack, see: How to Download a Plugin or Starter Pack
Once your new Starter Pack is installed, review: Using your new Starter Pack.
We encourage you to purchase a training package for accelerated learning and faster customization, see: for details on scheduling training.
This guide will teach you how to properly use the tools and features found within the James Hardie Starter Pack for PlanSwift® Takeoff and Estimating Software. If you encounter technical difficulty installing or using this Starter Pack, consult this guide or contact the technical support department at:
PlanSwift® Technical Support
1-888-752-6794 ext. 2
PlanSwift also offers additional training. For training options, contact the training department at:
PlanSwift® Training Department
Information on Starter Packs is available directly on the Plugins Tab in PlanSwift...
You can request a 14-day trial of any Plugin or Starter Park.
WARNING: If you create bids using the information from a Starter Pack, when the trial expires, you will no longer be edit those jobs. The information from the Starter Pack becomes inaccessible when your trial expires.
Do not use a Trial Plugin or Starter Pack to create real-world jobs, unless you are sure you will be purchasing it. Trials are for test driving a Plugin or Starter Pack, not meant for live/working bids.
What's in your Starter Pack
The James Hardie Pro Starter Pack is a large library of prebuilt templates, parts, and assemblies that are prelabeled for James Hardie Building Products.
Using these assemblies and parts, PlanSwift users can easily customize assemblies and parts for later use. Users can save countless hours of setup by utilizing a Starter Pack as their starting point for building custom parts and assemblies.
James Hardie Assemblies
James Hardie Parts
Area Parts
Linear Parts
Count Parts
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