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Handling More Than One Scale on the Same Plan

PlanSwift supports one Scale per Page (this way, you do not have to set the scale on every piece of takeoff you draw), however, sometimes Architects include more than one scale on the same Plan (especially Detail Plans). This articles explains how you can workaround that in PlanSwift.

Multiple Scales - Same Plan

In the example Plan below, the region at the top (Highlighted in Yellow) is drawn to 1 1/2” = 1’-0 scale and the region at the bottom (Highlighted in Purple) is 3/4” = 1’-0 (two scales on the same image page).

Because you need to measure these details (especially if they are enlarged floor plans, for example, on a large multi-story building), and knowing that PlanSwift only supports a single, unique Scale on a Page, we simply have to create a copy of the Page (or region of the Page) to account for different Scales.

There are two ways to accomplish this:

Crop Region as new Page

Click on the Page Tab

In the Image Tools section, select “Crop as New Page”

Draw a selection box around the region you want to be your new Page.

When you release the mouse button, the Page Properties dialog box opens, name the Page, including the Scale in the Page Name.

Now, you’ll see the new cropped Page in the Pages, Bookmarks list.

Repeat this process for other scaled regions on the Page. Be sure to include the Scale for each of these new cropped Pages in the Page Name.

See our How To video for more information on using the Crop to new Page tool: .

See for details on setting and verifying scale.

Duplicate the Page

You can also copy/paste the Page in the list to create a duplicate of it.

Right-click on the Page in the Pages, Bookmarks list

Select Copy

Right-click again

And select Paste

Now you have two Pages linked to the same Plan (image).

Rename each for the Scale you are going to set.

Right-click on the first Page and select Properties

Add the Scale to the end of the Page Name.

Click OK.

Repeat for the second Page.

Now you have two Pages, linked to the same Plan (image) that can be scaled independently.

See for details on setting and verifying scale.


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