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Installing the EarthWork Pro Plugin

View for information on downloading the EarthWork Pro installer.

Installing the Plugin

  • Close PlanSwift

  • Locate the file you downloaded (it will usually be in your Windows “Downloads” folder.

Windows explorer showing Plugin installers
  • Double-click the installer, the Welcome screen displays…

EWP Welcome Screen

Click Next

  • Read and accept the End User License Agreement

  • Click Next

  • Select the version of PlanSwift into which you want to install the Plugin

  • Click Next

Click Install

At this point, Windows User Account Control prompts you to confirm installation. If you are not logged in as an Windows Administrator, you must provide Administrator credential to continue. Contact your I.T. department for assistance if you cannot proceed.

As the installation progresses, the status bar updates. When the installation is done, you’ll see the Completed screen…

Click Finish to close the installer.

Now, you’ll see the EarthWork Pro section on the Home Tab ribbon bar…


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