10. Calculations Tab
Select the Calculations tab to calculate the material and labor costs associated with a job.
When you calculate a job, the system pulls the appropriate information from various parts of the program and creates all reports.
How Calculations are Generated
You can generate a job calculation as follows:
- It is best to calculate the entire project using the Database pricing.
- To do so, make sure the button next to Database is selected, and then click .
The progress of the calculation is illustrated by the blue band that moves across the Calculating Labor and Material Summaries window. (It depends on how fast your computer runs whether or not you see this window.)
The calculation of labor and material estimates is one of the most complex (and important) steps performed by QuoteSoft Pipe. Although it is not essential to understand this process in detail, each step is documented here in order to aid in understanding how the estimates are computed.
The following steps are performed for each Zone included in the calculation to determine material costs and quantities of labor hours:
- All Zone takeoff items (from the Takeoff Screen) are sorted and merged into a single list. Common items (such as Pipe, Fittings or Valves) having the same size are combined and quantities are summed up in order to reduce the overall computation time. This is done for each Zone.
- Each item in the merged takeoff list from Step #1 is converted into a detail record by pulling information from both the Spec and Database. For instance, if the takeoff item was 1″ 90 Elbow, the system looks in the Spec for that Zone for the Group and Class of fittings in the 1″ size. The information you entered there (such as Wrought/Cast Copper) will be read to locate the exact item from the Database.
- Each detail record created in step #1 is processed to determine the total labor hours for each Zone for the active labor source as set up in the Configuration. The Global Labor Discounts are provided for each of four sets of labor factors, so that multiple options of labor factors will be available for the job.
- Each detail record created in step #1 is processed to determine the total material cost for each discount set (#1 through #4). Note that the material cost is normally taken from the Database, but quoted costs may also be used.
When “Quoted” is selected, all Database items are copied to the quoted price list. The system then refers to the quoted price list for all calculations (bypassing any global or job discounts). The quoted price list may then be updated with actual supplier costs in order to compute accurate material costs. - A detail record list is built for each Material Discount Group (Copper Pipe, Steel Pipe…) so that these may be viewed or printed.
Each type of takeoff item in the Takeoff List is converted to a detail record as follows:
Each takeoff item that is Pipe is resolved against the spec to determine the Group and Class of Pipe in this size. This Group and Class are used to locate the specific Database item. The Database information is added to the detail record list. If either AutoJoint or AutoHanger were specified, these are also processed. Quantities are determined by Hanger Spacing and Joint Length in the Spec. These are added to the detail record list (see AutoHanger andAutoJoint on the following pages).
Each takeoff item that is a Fitting is resolved against the spec to determine the Fitting Group and Class for that size. This Group and Class are used to locate the Database item. The Database information for this is added to the detail list. The joints for a fitting are resolved by using the Joint Group and Joint Class fields of the fitting’s Database entry. If these are set to a specific Joint Group and Class, this will be used to determine the type of joint. If these are set to SPEC, then the Joint Group and Joint Class are taken from the Spec for the fitting.
Each takeoff item that is a Valve is resolved against the spec to determine the Valve Group, Class, and accessories for that size. This Group and Class are used to locate the Database item. The Database information for the valve (along with all joints) is added to the detail list. (Note that the Joint Group and Class are taken from the Spec definition for fittings of the same size, if they are not specifically defined in the Database). If accessories were defined, these items are also added to the detail list.
Each takeoff item that is a Joint is resolved against the spec to determine the Joint Group, Class, and accessories for that size. This Group and Class are used to locate the specific item in the Database. The Database information for the joint is added to the detail list.
Each takeoff item that is a Flange is resolved against the Spec to determine the Flange Group, Class, and accessories for that size. The database information for the flange (along with all joints) is added to the detail list. (Note that the Joint Group and Class are taken from the Spec definition for fittings of the same size, if they are not specifically defined in the Database). If accessories were defined, these items are also added to the detail list.
Each takeoff item that is a Specialty is resolved against the spec to determine the specialty Group, Class, and accessories for that size. The Database information for the Specialty (along with all joints) is added to the detail list. (Note that the joint Group and Class are taken from the Spec definition for fittings of the same size, if they are specifically defined in the Database). If accessories were defined, these items are also added to the detail list.
Each takeoff item that is a Hanger is resolved by searching the Spec for the Hanger Form (i.e., Suspended, Base Mount,…) corresponding to the size taken off. Each component, as defined in the Spec, is resolved against the Database based on the component Group.
For components in hanger groups Base Plate, Base Stand, Base Support, Dbl Rod Hanger, Guides/Anchors, Hanger, J-Hooks, Pipe Extension, Saddle Support, and Shield/Saddle, the takeoff size plus insulation thickness (if required by the Spec) is used when searching the Database. In order to assure that an adequate sized hanger component is chosen, the system will select the first Database item that is at least as large as required for the given size. If more than one catalog item has the same size, then the item having a second size at least as large as the pipe size is chosen.
For the remaining hanger groups (such as Rod, Coupling,…) the takeoff size without the insulation thickness is used when searching the Database. Again, in order to assure that an adequate sized hanger component is chosen, the system will select the first Database item that is at least as large as required for a given size.
The joints for a Zone of pipe are resolved by using the Joint Group and Joint Class fields of the pipe’s Database entry. If these are set to a valid Joint Group and Class, this will be used to resolve the specific type of joint. If these are set to SPEC, then the Joint Group and Joint Class are taken from the Spec for the pipe. The quantity of Joints is determined from the Joint Length defined in the Spec for this size and length of Pipe. If the joint for a pipe connection is a coupling, which requires joint material for installation, both the coupling and associated joints will be added to the detail list.
The AutoHangers for a Zone of pipe are resolved in the same method as normal Hangers (see above), except that the pipe size is used as the takeoff size and the quantity of Hangers is determined from the Hanger Spacing defined in the Spec for this Hanger Size and Hanger Form.
Database Items
When items (not in the Spec) are taken off from the Database, they also are added to the detail list. NO joints associated with these items will be taken off.
Calculate Pricing
Under normal circumstances, you will calculate each job using pricing provided in the Database.
However, if you prefer, QuoteSoft Pipe can also force all items in the job to a Quoted price list that will allow you to enter exact prices from your supplier. To force all items to a Quoted price list, select Quoted (rather than Database). Q = Quoted.
Should you wish to return to Database pricing, click Database and .
NOTE: If you typed QUOTED for an item on the Quotes tab, the item will still have Q for Quoted on the Reports tab. To bring in all Database items (not quoted) simply delete all quoted prices under the Quotes tab, select Database pricing, and then recalculate.
If you would like “Some Quoted”, click the circle next to Some Quoted. You will be asked to confirm this change. When you say Yes, a window appears where you can select specific items as Quoted.
Add or remove Material Groups that are set to Quoted.
NOTE: You can also open the “Select Quoted Material Groups” window by clicking “Set Quoted.”
Calculation by Selected Zone
Reports in QuoteSoft Pipe can be calculated for selected Zones within a job. This provides a convenient method of selecting a small group of Zones for calculation.
- Go to the Zones tab.
- Select (check mark) the desired Zones using the left-hand column of the screen.
- Go back to the Reports tab.
- Click
The program will now calculate only the Zones that have check marks on the Zones tab.
Calculate Pattern
Reports in QuoteSoft Pipe can be calculated for the entire job or for any portion of job.
- Click on .
Note that if multiple selections are made within one category (e.g., Specs), all Zones with any of the selected Specs will be included in the calculation. If selections are made across two or more categories, all Zones that satisfy all selected categories will be included in the calculation. - When the selection has been made, click . The program will now calculate only the Zones that meet the selections made.
Material Summary Report
When you click on the Report tab, the Material Summary Report appears.
All materials for the job are arranged on the Material Summary by Material Groups, which are stored in Global Material Discounts Table.
Family | This is set to the default. |
Multiplier Set | One of four sets of material discounts from the Global Material Discounts Table (Factor 1, Factor 2, etc.) |
Group Name | Name of the Material Group |
Code | A six-digit reference code of the Material Group |
Mfgr | The manufacturer whose list pricing is used |
Last Update | Date of the list price used for the Material group |
Qty | Total piece count or footage of items in this Material Group |
Gross Wt | Total weight of items in this Material Group (Weights are not available for all Database items.) |
List Total | Total cost of all items in the Material Group based on using list prices. (The total of all groups is at the bottom.) |
Matl Mult | Multiplier of the list prices in the Material Group |
Net Total | Total net cost of all items in the Material Group based on list prices multiplied by the Material Discount. (The total of all groups is at the bottom.) |
Adjusting Multipliers on the Material Summary Report
You can adjust multipliers globally and by group name.
Click on the Multiplier Set box. A pulldown list appears. Select the Multiplier Set you would like.
Material Details
An itemized list of the items contained in a specific Material Group can be viewed by clicking on the Group Name and then on .
The Material Detail Screen shows the name of the Material Group across the title bar and also contains the following information:
Discount Set | One of four sets of material discounts from the Material Discounts Table |
Factor | The multiplier of list prices for this Material Group |
Qty | The total piece count or footage of items in this Material Group |
Size | The size of the item |
Description | The name of the item as it appears in the Database |
Gross Wt | The unit weight of items in this Material Group (not available for all) |
List Price | The unit cost of the item based on using list prices |
Net Price | The price of the item obtained by multiplying the List Price by the Factor from the Discount Set for this Material Group |
Net Total | The total price of the quantity of items shown based on the Net Price (The total of all items is at the bottom) |
The values on the Material Detail Screen can be viewed, but cannot be altered. Click to get a printed Report of the Material Detail Screen. (Make sure your printer is on and the paper is ready.) To return to the Material Summary Screen, click .
Printing the Material Summary
The Material Summary has two print options which can be viewed by clicking .
- The Material Summary Report will print the Material Summary arranged by Material Group (similar to what appears on your computer screen).
- The Material Detail Report will print each and every item from every group in the list.
To select the report you want, click the appropriate check box and click . (Make sure your printer is on and the paper is ready.)
Labor Hours Report
Click on the left side of the screen.
All items will be sorted into the Labor Hours by Zones. This allows for adjustment of labor factors of any Zone on a job.
The Labor Hours report contains the following information:
Source | Source of labor rates from the Database. These can be changed in the Configuration file. |
Set | One of four sets of labor factors from the Global Labor Factors Table |
Spec | Name of the Spec for this Zone |
Zone | Name of Zone |
Blueprint # | Number of the Blueprint for this Zone |
Notes | Any notes for this Zone |
Mult | Multiplier for this Zone |
Base Hours | Total hours for all items in the Zone based on the source labor rates. (Total of Base Hours is at the bottom.) |
Adjust Hours | Total net hours for all items in the Zone based on the source labor rates multiplied by the factors in the set shown above. (Total of Adjusted Hours is at the bottom.) |
Job Factor | Adjustment factor to reflect job conditions, such as working up high, in tunnels or crawl spaces, etc. (The Job Factor for all Zones is at the bottom.) |
Job Hours | Total hours of the Zone based on Adjusted Hours multiplied by the Job Factor. (Total of Job Hours is at the bottom.) |
Features of the Labor Hours report are as follows:
- The discount set can be changed by clicking on the Set name or down arrow and selecting the appropriate set.
- Both the Job Factor and Job Hours can be adjusted by clicking on the appropriate box and keying in either a new factor or the total hours. The Job Factor is always 1.0 unless changed on this screen. This factor can be adjusted upward or downward to reflect job conditions. The Job Hours can also be changed by overriding the quantity of hours. When either value is adjusted, the other is automatically recalculated. Total values at the bottom of the screen are also revised.
Editing the Labor Hours Report
The yellow fields allow you to modify your labor by Zone and Assembly breakout.
You either can do it internally in the program at this screen or you can change it later in the Excel report. The following screen shows the Excel report. Use the Sort Key to change how you want it sorted.
NOTE: If changing of the job factor is desired within the spreadsheet, Quote Software’s Consulting Group can customize your spreadsheet.
- On the Labor Hours screen, click on the Job Factor title for the Fittings. Type in .5.
- Click on the Job Hours title for Fittings and type in any number you would like. Notice the multiplier changes.
Labor Hour Details
An itemized list of the items contained in each Spec can be viewed by clicking on the Spec and then on .
The Labor Detail Screen shows the following information:
Labor Source | Source of labor rates from the Database. These can be changed in the Configuration file. |
Set | One of four sets of labor factors from the Global Labor Factors Table |
Qty | Total piece count or footage of items in this Zone |
Size | Size of the item |
Description | Name of the item as it appears in the Database |
Labor Group | Six-digit reference code of the Labor Factor Group |
Unit Hours | Unit hours based on using the source labor rates. |
Global Factor | Multiplier of the unit hours from the Labor Factor Group. |
Adjust Hours | Net hours of the quantity of items shown based on the source labor rates and the Global Labor Factors. (The total of all Adjusted Hours is at the bottom.) The values on the Labor Detail Screen do not reflect any Job Adjustments on the Labor Hours Screen. |
The values on the Labor Detail Screen can be viewed, but cannot be altered. Click to get a printed Report of the Labor Detail. (Make sure your printer is on and the paper is ready.)
Printing the Labor Hours Report
The Labor Hours report can be printed by clicking . (Make sure your printer is on and the paper is ready.)
Exception Report
During calculation, exceptions may occur resulting from the takeoff, Spec, or Database items. When this occurs, the system flags the offending takeoff item and continue on with the remaining items.
To view exceptions, click on the button of the Reports tab. Your exceptions will be displayed in Summary form or By Zone based on your preference.
WARNING! No data for exceptions will be incorporated into the Materia