03. Rectangular Pressure File

03. Rectangular Pressure File

Each Pressure Class will have its own Pressure File as well as the different material types.

All Rectangular Pressure Files have the same setup principles so creating a new file on demand is a simple process.

There is no limit to the number of files the system can store and use. Each file is linked back to the Data File for the component information, so you must ensure that the setup of the Data File has been completed prior to constructing Pressure Files.

You will need to select which Labor Rates to be used with this Pressure File when performing the takeoff calculations.

Typically you would select "Use the currently loaded Labor Rates in Takeoff" and the program will use the rates you selected for the job. If you want this pressure file to always use a specific Labor Rate, select "Use Specific Labor Rate" and choose which of the available you would like to use or "Use the Labor Rates Below" and type in the rates needed.

Setup Tip! For a Change Order Pressure File, it is possible to use a multiplier on your labor rates here.


Within the pressure file there are no costs of materials and components. But you will have to state which materials to use.

The Materials Page will allow you to use multiple coil widths as well as a different selection for fittings and non-standard length ducts, making it easier to breakout data on reports.

Setup Tip! Be sure to set up Flex Connector Materials in the Data File. You can select them here.


Each pressure file stores its own scrap percentages. This allows the system to have separate percentages for each material type, pressure class, or type of work.

The scrap percentages are broken up by fittings and duct, since they typically have separate factors.

Setup Tip! All of the Windows Copy, Cut, and Paste functions work great here!


You’ll have to enter the default code, to ensure that your duct and fittings are estimated with the proper seams.

Standard Length of Duct is very important when calculating the number of connections a run will have on it, which will dictate labor hours. Be sure to update this column with your company’s Standard Length of Duct.

After entering the code for the default seam into the column, you can check which of the other Seams you wish to have available as alternates in Takeoff.

Setup Tip! Be sure and check the box of the alternate Seams and Sealers you want available.

Joints & Reinforcements

QuoteSoft Duct will allow you to set up different construction standards based on the Center Line length of the item. This will allow contractors to take advantage of making the gauge lighter if the length of the item goes down.

Transferring setup from one length to another is easy with the transfer tool. Click the large dimension number and enter your option.

After entering the default Joints code into the column, you can check which of the other Joints and Sealers you wish to have available as alternates in Takeoff. Allowing more Joint Connectors will save you from having to set up multiple pressure files.

Setup Tip! Click directly on the large CL Length number to transfer setup info from one table to another.


Which Hanger setup to use is determined on the semi-perimeter of the duct (height + width). This formula is used because Hangers should be chosen based on the weight of the item, not the size.

The aspect ratio of the H+W is considered as
well. For example;

  • 42 x 42 is 84″ duct and has a 1-1 ratio
  • 28 x 56 is 84″ duct and has a 1-2 ratio
  • 20 x 64 is 84′ duct and has a 1-3 ratio

Even though they all equal 84″ of semi-perimeter and have the same approximate weight, they may use different Hanger Setups due to the span of the width.

Setup Tip! Use Windows Copy and Paste functions to speed up the setup. Just modify after Pasting.

Vanes, Wrap & Liner Options, and General Options

The Vanes that were set up in the Data File are available for use in the Pressure File. Input the code of the Vane that should be used as the default per size. Check the box of the Alternates that should be available.

Wrap and Liner types that were input into the Data File can be disabled from use. For example, if the wish is to make 2in Fire wrap unavailable for this file, simply check the appropriate box and it will be disabled while this file is loaded.

The General Options setup allows options such as minimum and maximum gauges, aspect ratio overrides, and many more features. Each one can be used for this pressure file only.

Item Labor Tables

In each Pressure File each item has a setup of 3 labor tables. This labor is separated by aspect ratio using the same setup as the Hangers, discussed previously. The labor hours are entered in a decimal format, .25 for 15 minutes.

This is the labor for the item only; no component labor is stored in the pressure file.

An example of Item Labor and Component Labor using the fabrication of a 36 x 18, 90 degree square elbow with vanes is broken apart below.

Total Labor Breakdown:

Item Labor:

  1. Detailing (the labor involved in cut sheets or plan takeoff)
  2. Plasma Input
  3. Table Loading
  4. Burn Time
  5. Labeling
  6. Forming
  7. Material Handling (the total time needed to move the item from machine to machine)

Component Labor:

  1. Seam Construction and Assembly
  2. Seam Sealing
  3. Vane Construction and Installation
  4. Joint Connectors
  5. Reinforcements
  6. Liner Installation

The pressure file stores the Item labor. This labor factor will not change when you modify what components are being used. For example, if you override the default joint connector of TDC to Ductmate the program will remove the cost and labor associated with TDC and add in the information for the Ductmate, but the Item labor will not be modified at all. Total labor can go up or down depending on the change made, but the Item labor will not.

Setup Exercises: Rectangular Pressure File

Exercise 3: Changing the Standard Length of Duct

  1. Click the pressure file you wish to modify and then click the Edit button at the bottom of the Setup Menu.
  2. Click the Seams page to change the Standard Length of straight duct.

  3. When you mouse over the column heading of Standard Length, you will see that it turns into a button. Click on it.

  4. Type in the new Standard Length and click OK. The column will store the new length.

  5. Click Menu and then Exit to save your changes.

Exercise 4: Globally change the Fab Labor by a percentage

  1. Click the pressure file you wish to modify and then click the Edit button at the bottom of the Setup Menu.
  2. Click the Global Factor button. Check the boxes of the labor factors that you’d like to change. You can select all three aspect ratios or do one at a time if needed.

  3. Use the arrows to change the percentage to the correct value. You can use a negative percent (e.g. -21) if needed.

  4. Select whether to include Standard Length Duct in this Global Factor. A Coil Line setup may require a separate adjustment and therefore duct would not be included in this Global Factor.
  5. Click the Factor button and then click the Yes button on the dialog box.
  6. Click Menu and then Exit to save your changes.

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