Coil Line Setup and Labor Adjustments

This article is meant to guide users through the typical adjustments and setup options needed for enabling a coil line for standard length duct manufacturing within QuoteSoft Duct. For Classic SheetMetal or FabShop consult this article

Duct coil line manufacturing can affect some or all of the processes listed below. This article will provide a step by step guide in making those adjustments. Typical process affected when enabling a coil line:

  • Seam fabrication labor

  • Seam seal fabrication labor

  • Joint fabrication labor

  • Duct liner fabrication labor

  • Reinforcement rod fabrication labor

  • Overall duct item fabrication labor

The example used below is a walk-through for a full coil line which provides all above processes.

Steps to enable coil line options and adjust per component and item labor values

I. Enabling Coil Line Options

Typical coil line setups will use a different labor rate and will not include additional labor for select seams and joints. These options are available in the Item Options portion of Central Data.

  1. Open Central Data and navigate into Setups and then into Item Options.

  2. Click on the Rectangular folder and then on Duct.

  3. Check the box to Enable Coil Line Options for Straight Duct.

    1. This option will use the Coil Line labor rate for standard length duct. The Coil Line labor rate is set in the Data File - Labor Rates section C. Data File - Labor Rates

  4. Check the boxes for each of the components formed on the coil line.

    1. Fabricate Seam (example; Pittsburgh or Snaplock).

    2. Install Seam Sealant (example; ductsealer injected during seam roll forming).

    3. *Fabricate Joint on the duct (example: TDF or Slip and Drive).

    4. Checking these options will NOT include the labor for these component processes with the standard length duct.

*Note: If specific joints are not fabricated on the coil line, this can be overruled in the specific joint setup. See section 2. Per Joint Setup - Rectangular here

II. Duct Liner Fabrication Coil Slow Percent

If the coil line applies the Liner then the duct liner labor should be adjusted. Some coil lines have two settings, duct without liner is produced faster than duct with liner. These adjustments can be made in the Data File - Liner setup page D. Data File - Liner

  1. Open Central Data and navigate into Setups and then into Data File.

  2. Click on the Liner folder and then Rectangular.

  3. Select a liner to modify and click the edit button above.

  4. Change the “Straight Duct Labor (SqFt/Hr)” value for Duct labor to 0 (This removes manual labor hours as this will now be a coil line operation).

  5. Input the rate at which the coil line production of straight duct will slow by applying the selected liner (in the form of a percentage).

    1. Example; if the coil slows down its production by 10% when Liner is being applied, then input a value of 10.

II. Reinforcement Rod Fabrication Labor

If the coil line punches holes for reinforcement rods the fabrication labor for the rods should be adjusted to reflect this.

  1. Open Central Data and navigate into Setups and then into Data File.

  2. Click on the Reinforcements folder, then Rods.

  3. Select the rod to modify and click the edit button above.

  4. The field titled Fab/Rod should be adjusted down as the labor to drill or punch the holes is now included in item fabrication labor.

    1. Currently, this field encompasses cutting the rods and drilling/punching holes.

    2. We need to remove the drilling/punching of holes portion.

    3. Typical adjustment is to remove 10-15% of the labor.

III. Item Fab Labor Adjustments for Coil Line

Within each pressure class the labor will need to be adjusted to reflect using a coil line to produce the standard length duct.

  1. Open Central Data and navigate to Setups and then Pressure Classes.

  2. Select the Rectangular folder and then the first pressure class to be adjusted.

  3. Expand the Items section and select Duct.

  4. Click on the Global Edit in the 1 to 1 Aspect Ratio table.

  5. Leave it set at Factor Column by %.

  6. Input the desired adjustment (see below).

  7. Check the box for Fab.

  8. Leave All Rows and all aspect ratios selected.

  9. Click Save Changes.

  10. Validate your Fab Labor columns for all aspect ratios were adjusted as desired.

Rule of thumb for labor adjustments:

  • Full coil line which performs the cutting, forming, joints, seams, seam sealer.

    • Adjust labor down 80-90% (input -80 for example).

  • Partial coil line which performs the cutting, forming, and seams only.

    • Adjust labor down 65-75% (input -65 for example).

It is now recommended to create a new zone and select a rectangular duct and input various sizes to spot check the fabrication labor being calculated to evaluate the changes made.

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