// PlanSwift Code:
Result := PlanSwift.GetPropertyResultAsBoolean(ItemPath, 'Name', False);
//FreshDesk Code:
procedure psPropertyAsBoolean;
ps: IPlanSwift;
pgs: IItem;
i,ii: Integer;
pg: IItem;
//Create the planswift interface
ps := CoPlanswift.Create;
//get the pages folder
pgs := ps.GetItem('Job\Pages');
//cycle through the pages folder and get each
ii := 0;
//on the root level
for i := 0 to pgs.childcount - 1 do begin
//get the child item of the pages folder
pg := pgs.ChildItem[i];
//Check to see if the item is a page
if ps.GetPropertyResultAsBoolean(pg.GUID,'isPage',false) then
ii := ii + 1;
//Show a Messages with the Number of pages
ShowMessage('There are ' + intToStr(ii) + 'pages in the root directory');
//Free the planswift Interface
ps := nil;
end; |