Applying Filters to the Company List

Applying Filters to the Company List

The Filters menu on the left side of the Company list page lets you apply filtering options to the projects associated with the companies in the list. You can set up a list of favorite filtering options and also incorporate new filters from a shared search. Each time you add or remove a filtering option, the list refreshes with the companies matching your selected options. 

This section contains the following topics: 

Accessing the Filters menu

The Filters menu is displayed by default on the left side of the Company list page. You can close or open the menu using the blue arrow on the side of the menu: 

Applying Filters to the List

Each time you make a selection from the Filters menu, the results list automatically refreshes with your selections.  You can filter the list by a range of criteria, including bidding status, value, stages and category (as shown in the following example with the Stage category expanded):


To apply filters the list,  

  • click the plus sign next to each option to expand the selection. 

  • make your selections or enter values.

Results: With each filtering selection, the list refreshes and the total count of companies matching the applied criteria updates. 


Customizing Your Filtering Options

You can customize the Filters menu to include only those filtering options that you most frequently use. Your Filters menu settings remain in force until you change them, including logging in and out.  You can add filters to a saved filter set to include additional filters. For more information, see Adding filters from a search outside of your filter set

To customize your filtering options, 

  • Click More Filters at either the top or bottom of the menu to display all of the filters: 

  • In the menu, select the filters you want, or click All at the top left of the menu to select all of the filters. Note that clicking All again removes all of the filters: 

Note: All options are selected by default. 

  • Click Save and Close when you are done.

Result: The Filters menu changes to reflect your selections.

Adding Filters from a Search Outside of Your Filter Set

When you run a saved search that includes filters that are not part of your account entitlement, the message Search includes hidden filters is displayed at the top of the Filters menu. You have the option to view the additional filters and decide to add them to your filter set. 

To view and add hidden filters, 

  • click the message Search includes hidden filters to display the Add Filters menu. 

  • To add any of the filters to your filter set, click Add Filter below each category name. Repeat this step for each filter category you want to add to your filter list. 

Filters menu descriptions and options

The following table describes the Filters menu options that you can use for filtering the companies in the list.  




Clear All    +

  • Click to clear all of the filters that you currently have in use.

  • Click the plus sign to expand the menu.

Note: This option is only available after you use the Filters menu.

Updated Within

Use either the slider bar or the date menu to select the range for the most recent update to the project listing. All date ranges are selected by default.

Listed Within

Use either the slider bar or the date menu to select the date range of the original project listing. All date ranges are selected by default.

Bidding Within

Use either the slider bar or the date menu to select by upcoming bid date. All date ranges are selected by default.

Project Value

Enter either a minimum or maximum dollar value, or both. Select Show projects without value to see projects both with the specified value and projects without a value.


Use to filter by project state and sub-stage, and then click apply selection. All stages are included by default.


Select to filter by category, or intended project end-use, and then click apply selection. All categories are selected by default.

Filter by Status

Use to show, hide and exclude certain project types in your results. Note that this option is not available for company results.



Search Tag

Use to apply the criteria of tagged searches to the current list of projects displayed on the page. You can apply all the tags shown or select from the list, up to five maximum.

  • Click At least one search tag and then click on the tags that you want to include.

  • Click All search tags to apply all tagged searches shown.

  • Click Apply Selection when you are done:

Note: Click Clear to remove all search tag criteria and reset the menu.

Project Location

Select the project location and then click apply selection.

Postal Code Radius

Enter the postal code for the project:

  • Enter five (5) digits for the U.S. and six (6) for Canada, and then select the outward radius for the code in miles (5, 10, 25, 50, 150).

# of Floors

Use to set separately set the range of floors above and below grade.

Floor Area

Use to specify the internal floor area of the project:

  • Click Unit Of Measure and select either Square Feet or Square Meters.

Note that the system converts to the requested measurement type during the search, but the results always display the unit of measurement in the format native to the project.

Work Type

Select the work type and then click apply selection.

Bid Type

Select the bid type and then click apply selection.

Owner Type

Select the owner type and then click apply selection.


Select to include any combination of plans, specs, plan addenda or spec addenda.

Document CSI Division

Use to filter projects by the CSI Division code specified in the project documents. Click to expand the menu to filter by division and subdivision.


  • For best use, combine this filter with a Documents CSI keyword search from the search bar tile. Only those projects that contain the specified CSI code are returned.

  • Plans contain no CSI codes but can have your keyword included in the project documents.

Material Demand

Click to expand the menu to select the CSI MasterFormat materials, and then click apply selection. For company users, the values that can be selected can be restricted by the company administrators.

Company Type

Select to filter by the type of the company, and then click apply selection.

Company Location

Select the location for the project either by country, state or province, or county.

More Filters

Opens the Add Filters menu where you can set your filtering options. See Customizing your filtering options for more information about this feature.









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