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Known Issues Log
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2023
Below is a list of the known issues (bugs) outstanding. Once fixed, they are removed from this list and published in the Release Notes for the ‘fixed’ version.
Bug# | Description | Area | Versions | Workaround or Resolution (if available) |
ART3-587 | Color properties do not persist when drawing takeoff from a custom template. | Properties | 10.2, 10.3, 11.0 |
ART3-655 | Joist tool - the creating more sections and adding more joists slows the application down significantly. | Performance | 10.2, 10.3, 11.0 |
ART3-572 | Changing text size on windows is not reflecting on few of the PS menu. | User Interface | 10.3 |
ART3-1529 | Types, Reports and Lists are not available after upgrading to PS 11 (installing over previous version of PlanSwift instead of side-by-side). | Upgrading | | v. was pulled from distribution so we could change the default installation method back to a side-by-side, like all prior major upgrades. This will not be an issue when PlanSwift 11 is re-released. |
ART3-3029 | Grid tool - Generating of a big quantity of grid lines and intersections slows the application down significantly | Performance |
ART3-3149 | Access violation errors happen randomly | Performance | 11 | Restart application. Reinstall application |
ART3-3192 | Apply Scale to All Pages isn't working | Drawings | 10.2, 10.3, 11 |
ART3-3687 | The user is not able to undock an internal component that was undocked and closed before | User Interface | and | |
ART3-3079 | Page zoom changes randomly | User Interface | All | See: |
*PlanSwift only tests “Supported” versions of the software, some bugs may have existed before the lowest version listed above.
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