Using Workspaces

Within REP Takeoff a Workspace is a saved layout or configuration of palettes. These Workspaces can be reloaded at anytime. They are designed to save the position and order of content within the palettes for quick reload of a view. For this example we will create a new Reports workspace from the existing default Job File workspace.

Video Demonstration of creating a Workspace

  1. Default Job File Workspace
    1. To validate you have the QuoteSoft REP default Job File workspace loaded click here REP Setup and review step 2.

  2. Managing the Palettes in view
    1. In the Job File Ribbon Menu click View and then click Select Palettes
      1. All the available palettes are listed in this tool

    2. Check the boxes for Analytics and Reports
    3. Uncheck the boxes for Folder Info, Job Info, Zone Info, and Job Attachments

  3. Reordering the Palettes
    1. Click and drag the title bar of the Job List palette onto the Folder List palette
    2. When the Palette Control tool appears, mouse over the bottom docking tab and release mouse
      1. The Job List palette will be docked below the Folder List

    3. Repeat steps for Zone List to dock beneath Job List 
      1. Left side of window should look like this

    4. Use the Splitters to resize the Reports and Analytics Palettes
      1. Adjust width to gain maximum view

      2. Try and resize to keep buttons on top of each Palette in view

  4. Saving the current view as a Workspace
    1. In the Ribbon Menu click the View section
    2. Click Save Workspace
    3. Click Save New
    4. Type in the name "Reports"
    5. Click Set Image
    6. Navigate to C:\QuoteSoft\DuctServer\Images\Icons\24x24 and pick image docs_24x24.png
    7. Click OK

  5. Testing the Workspace
    1. Close the program and reopen
    2. Log in to the program and click Job File on the Main Menu
    3. Click the Reports workspace in the Navigation menu on the left

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