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Installation and Setup Plugin

1. Login to My Account

 Click the Download button

2. Run installer

a. If multiple versions of PlanSwift are on the computer select the version that will be utilizing the integration

1. If installed properly, you will see a new tab in the bottom left-hand corner of the PlanSwift Home Tab called “Sage 100 Contractor”

a. You can right-click the tab and choose to dock it on the right if you prefer

2. Click on the New or Open icons at the top of the Sage 100 Contractor tab to pull up the Sage 100 Login window

3. Fill out the window with the appropriate Drive, Company, Username, and Password.

a. Please note that the user must be assigned to the API Group in Sage 100 Contractor for them to be able to log in

4. Once logged in, you will have access to create new jobs or open existing jobs from Sage 100 Contractor


Note: If you are using a beta version it must be uninstalled before installing the full version

Creating a New Job in PlanSwift using the Sage 100c Integration plugin

1. Click on the New Job icon located in the top left corner of the Sage 100 Contractor tab

2. Fill out the Job Properties window with the Job information

a. All of the following must be filled in:

  i.  Job#

  ii.  Job Name

  iii.  Short Name

  iv.  Job Status

b. Bid Items and Phases may be used. If none are added it will default to “0-None”.

  i.  For more information about Bid items and Phases visit Sage Support

3. After clicking the Create button, a window will pop up that states, “Could not find associated Job, Would you like to create a new PlanSwift Job?

a. Click the Yes button if you will be adding blueprints or if you are planning on digitizing in PlanSwift

b. Click No if you are just trying to create the project within Sage 100 Contractor

4. The New Job window will pop up with the Job/Quote # automatically populated with the Job # from Sage

a. It is recommended that you add a Description so as to easily find the project in the PlanSwift files later if you need to

b. Click the Next button

5. The Properties information can be edited if you want to, but it is not necessary

a. Click the Next button

6. The Image Files window will allow you to browse to the location of the blueprints you want to load

a. Check the box next to the image files you want to load

b. Click the Next button

7. The Convert Settings window allows you to adjust the quality and file type of the blueprints

a. It is recommended that you convert the file to a TIF file to improve the speed of the software

b. You can lower the DPI if you are loading a large set of plans to improve the speed of the software. Note: This will lower the quality of the image files

c. Click the Next button

8. The Ready to Create Job window will pop up

a. Click the Finish button and your project will begin to load in PlanSwift


Uninstall Sage 100c Integration Plugin

The uninstall of the Sage 100c Integration can be done through the Programs and Features within Windows. Locate the plugin with in the list (Sage 100c Integration) and click the uninstall button.


Setting Types

Every assembly within the Sage 100c Integration needs to have an associated type before you can use it to digitize. To set the type, locate the assembly with the Sage 100 Contractor window. The farthest right column of the assembly will display a “? None” if a type hasn’t been set yet. Click the “? None” and select one of the available type options to assign to it. Once it has been set you can click the green dot on the far left of the assembly to start digitizing with that assembly.


Digitizing In PlanSwift using the Sage 100 Contractor Assemblies

1. After a Job has been created, you will have access to the Sage 100 Contractor parts and assemblies within the Sage 100c Integration tab in PlanSwift

2. A Type must be assigned to a Part or Assembly before you can use it to digitize in PlanSwift

a. To assign a type, click the box with “? None” and select the desired type you will be using to digitize

3. Make sure the appropriate scale has been set on your page

4. Click the green to the left of the part or assembly to begin digitizing

a. A properties window will show up that will allow you to change some of the properties. Remember that PlanSwift is pulling the formulas from Sage 100 Contractor so only adjust properties that won’t affect the item information or formulas like color, fill, etc.

b. Click the Ok button to start digitizing

5. Wait for the red dot to show up at the top

6. Begin digitizing on the blueprint


Viewing Takeoff Information

1. You can view your takeoff information in multiple ways.

a. Pages tab in PlanSwift

b. Takeoffs window in Sage 100c Integration

c. Takeoffs window in Sage 100 ContractorStarter Pack Updated: 8/23/2022 - updated Assemblies and Parts including Count Parts and Architectural Assemblies.


First, you'll need to download and install your Starter Pack, see: How to Download a Plugin or Starter Pack

Once your new Starter Pack is installed, review: Using your new Starter Pack.

We encourage you to purchase a training package for accelerated learning and faster customization, see: for details on scheduling training.


This guide will teach you how to properly use the tools and features found within the James Hardie Starter Pack for PlanSwift® Takeoff and Estimating Software. If you encounter technical difficulty installing or using this Starter Pack, consult this guide or contact the technical support department at: 

PlanSwift® Technical Support

1-888-752-6794 ext. 2

PlanSwift also offers additional training. For training options, contact the training department at:

PlanSwift® Training Department

Information on Starter Packs is available directly on the Plugins Tab in PlanSwift...

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You can request a 14-day trial of any Plugin or Starter Park.

WARNING: If you create bids using the information from a Starter Pack, when the trial expires, you will no longer be edit those jobs. The information from the Starter Pack becomes inaccessible when your trial expires. 

Do not use a Trial Plugin or Starter Pack to create real-world jobs, unless you are sure you will be purchasing it. Trials are for test driving a Plugin or Starter Pack, not meant for live/working bids.

How to Trial or Purchase Plugins and Starter Packs

What's in your Starter Pack

The James Hardie Pro Starter Pack is a large library of prebuilt templates, parts, and assemblies that are prelabeled for James Hardie Building Products.

Using these assemblies and parts, PlanSwift users can easily customize assemblies and parts for later use. Users can save countless hours of setup by utilizing a Starter Pack as their starting point for building custom parts and assemblies.

Table of Contents

James Hardie Assemblies

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James Hardie Parts

Area Parts

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Linear Parts

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Count Parts

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