Note |
When you are installing or upgrading PlanSwift, please close any running Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Outlook, etc.) and disable your virus scanner for the duration of the installation. See Check for and Install Using PlanSwift Automatic Updates to see if there is an upgrade to your existing version of PlanSwift. Curious about MAC support, check out: Can I Install PlanSwift on a Mac? Before you install PlanSwift, be sure your computer meets or exceeds our System Requirements. You must be a local (Windows) administrator to install and update PlanSwift. |
To Install PlanSwift:
Download the PlanSwift version for which you are licensed from MyAccountfrom PlanSwift Installer Downloads, see The PlanSwift Customer Portal (MyAccount) for for more information on which version of PlanSwift you own.
Typically, your browser will save the installer to your Windows "Downloads" folder...

When the download is complete, locate the file that was downloaded and double-click it . (If if you are using Chrome browser, you can just click on the downloaded file in the lower-left corner of your browser to launch it).)

When prompted by User Account Control, click Yes.
The PlanSwift Setup wizard starts, and the first screen you see is the License Agreement (aka "EULA").

Please review the EULA, select "I Accept the Agreement", and then click Next.
Next, you are asked where you want PlanSwift installed...
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Info |
title | Upgrade or Side-by-Side Install |
For PlanSwift 11 and newer: If this is a fresh installation, the Version you are installing | Fresh Install (no previous version) | Upgrading from Previous Version of PlanSwift |
---| | The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\ |
PlanSwift - this is the default installation folderPlanSwift11. You can change |
it For PlanSwift versions older than PlanSwift 11 - For fresh installations, the installer defaults to PlanSwiftX where X is the version number you installing.
- For upgrades, everything else is pretty much the same. Post installation, the folder name will remain versioned, though.
When this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive, however changing the folder may cause issues with future installations. |
If you are installing when there is a previous version of PlanSwift already installed (or was installed and its installation folder is still on your hard drive), the installer shows the highest version's folder here.- If you leave the folder (for example "PlanSwift 10") as it is, PlanSwift 11 will be install over PlanSwift 10, upgrading it. Projects created, Plugins/Starter Packs installed prior to the upgrade will remain available. During installation, the folder name will be change to "PlanSwift" and all future releases will operate as "upgrade in place" installations.
- If you change the folder, say to "PlanSwift 11", PlanSwift 11 will be installed side-by-side with your previous version(s) of PlanSwift. This means, you'll have to use those version to access your existing projects or map PlanSwift to your old data store.
Image Added Default clean installation folder
| Default Installation: side-by-side installation. PS11 does not replace the previous version of PlanSwift. The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwift11. You can change this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive, however changing the folder may cause issues with future installations. Do not change this to a previous version's folder as that may cause you to lose historic jobs, templates, or other data. When you are done installing and launch the program, PlanSwift detects the oldest previous version and prompts you to import jobs and templates. (If you have already upgraded from say PlanSwift 9 to PlanSwift 10 but never uninstalled PS9, PS11.0.0.129 allows you to import jobs/templates from PS9 only. To import data from PS10, you must uninstall PS9 first.) Image Added Upgrading from any previous version of PlanSwift
| | The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwift. You can change this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive, however changing the folder may cause issues with future installations. | Default Installation: upgrade-in-place, replaces highest previous version located The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwiftX where X represents the highest PlanSwift version located. You can change this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive; we encourage you to change this to PlanSwift11 and import your data from the previous version to avoid the possibility of losing data. When you are done installing and launch the program (assuming you installed to a new folder, not an upgrade-in-place), Click Home > Import Jobs and Templates to import data from the previous version of PlanSwift. (If you have already upgraded from say PlanSwift 9 to PlanSwift 10 but never uninstalled PS9, PS11.0.0.89 allows you to import jobs/templates from PS9 only. To import data from PS10, you must uninstall PS9 first.) Image Added Upgrading PlanSwift to PlanSwift
Image Added Upgrading PlanSwift 10 to PlanSwift (PS10 upgraded PS9)
| | The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwift10. You can change this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive, however changing the folder may cause issues with future installations. | Default Installation: upgrade-in-place, replaces highest previous version located The Default installation location will be <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\PlanSwiftX where X represents the highest PlanSwift version located. You can change this location to any valid location you like on your local hard drive; we encourage you to change this to PlanSwift11 and import your data from the previous version to avoid the possibility of losing data. Image Added Upgrading PlanSwift 9 to PlanSwift
If you are performing an upgrade-in-place over a previous version of PlanSwift, you will see a prompt that this folder already exists, click "Yes" to confirm installation to the existing folder. |
You can change where the program's shortcut is placed on the Windows start menu - we recommend leaving this as "PlanSwift xx".
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Click Next.
You are asked if you want to create a desktop icon for easier access to PlanSwift, - we recommend you create the desktop shortcut - you can always delete it later if you want.