Can I Install PlanSwift on a Mac?
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Can I Install PlanSwift on a Mac?

Can I install PlanSwift on a Mac?

In a word, Yes. However, you must be running a supported version of Windows on your MAC with system resource that meet or exceed our System Requirements.

What you'll need

  • Supported version of MAC OSX (check Apple's site, please)
  • Your own copy of Parallels or another virtual machine platform (assuming you are running Apple's "M" processor...)
  • Your own licensed copy of a supported versions of Windows (see PlanSwift System requirements above for supported OSes)
  • Technical skills to install, configure, and maintain the aforementioned software

Bootcamp or Parallels?

There are two ways to run Windows on a MAC:

  • Bootcamp - this is a separate partition from the MAC operating system (MAC OSX) on which a stand-alone installation of Windows is running. This allows the user to run Windows or MAC OSX but not both at the same time. Because this is a just a regular installation of Windows, you do not need to run any virtualization software - but you must own a license for whatever version of Windows you are going to install.
    • Newer Apple computers run proprietary "M" processors that do not support dual-booting with Windows anymore. If your computer uses an "M" processor, your only option is to use a virtual machine (such as Parallels).
  • Parallels (or any other virtualization product) - this product allows a MAC OSX user to run a virtualized installation of Windows within the MAC OSX environment. This is not a stand-alone installation of Windows, it is sort of like running Windows within a window, so to speak. You start Parallels (or whatever virtualization software you use) after you log into MAC OSX. Virtualization software is not included with Apple's OSes - you must purchase Parallels or whatever you're going to use separately. You also have to own a licensed copy of Windows to install in your virtual environment. Your MAC must meet the requirements for the Parallels software or whichever emulator you choose.

If you need assistance with setting up/configuring Bootcamp, contact Apple Support directly.

If you need assistance with Parallels or your Windows emulator, please contact that vendor directly.

Although a MAC that supports running Windows in a virtual environment or in Bootcamp should be able to run PlanSwift, we do not test PlanSwift in this environment and cannot guarantee that your specific MAC provides a suitable environment. We test PlanSwift on native Windows machines only. Newer MACs use processors that are not compatible with Windows anymore and do not support running Windows in Bootcamp. These machines (powered by "M1" and newer chips) may not be able to run Windows in Parallels either. You may not be able to install PlanSwift on a MAC powered by an M1 (or newer) chip. Please contact Parallel's directly for more information.

Parallels, MAC OSX, and Apple are trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

MACs v. iPads

There is no supported method for running Windows applications on iPads. Only computers and tablets running the MAC OS support running Windows in a "virtual machine" (emulator).

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