Returns the given child item of the item.
Procedure: GetItem(ItemPath: String): IItem;
API Calls
Using PlanSwift Object Model
// PlanSwift Code: AItem := Item.GetItem('\Some Item'); If VarIsClear(AItem) then Result := 'Not Found' Else Result := AItem.Name; // FreshDesk Code: var ps: IPlanSwift; est: IItem; itm: IItem; begin // Get Planswift Interface ps := coPlanswift.Create; // Get the Estimating Tab est := ps.GetItem('Job\Takeoff'); // Create a new item itm := est.NewItem('Area', 'GetItem Example'); // ShowThe Full Path ShowMessage(itm.FullPath); // Free Planswift ps := nil;
Using IItem Object Model
public class PlanswiftApi { private PlanSwift Planswift { get; } public PlanSwiftApi() { Planswift = new PlanSwift(); } }
Using PlanSwift Object Model
Coming soon
Using IItem Object Model
Coming soon
Using PlanSwift Object Model
Coming soon