The PlanSwift Customer Portal (MyAccount)
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The PlanSwift Customer Portal (MyAccount)

PlanSwift shares a co-branded Customer Portal with On Center Software, branded as ConstructConnect. The information below is customized for PlanSwift administrators, if you are looking for information about On Center's customized views, see: On Center KnowledgeBase - What is the Co-Branded Customer Portal

On PlanSwift.com, you can log into your account to edit your profile, review your invoices and licenses, and download software.

Visit PlanSwift.com, and click My Account in the upper right-hand corner.

PlanSwift MyAccount login link

Log in using your e-mail address and password. To register for MyAccount, see: Registering for a MyAccount Profile

If you forget your password, you can reset it on the Login page.

After logging in, you see several Tabs on the left.

We cover each Tab below.

Home Tab

You will be welcomed to the Home tab on your My Account (Figure 6) page, which includes a number of other tabs that will allow you to see your account information.

My Account Home Tab

Account Tab

Clicking on the Account tab shows your Customer ID, Customer Name, Phone number, and Email Address (Figure 7). Clicking on UPDATE allows you to update your account details.

My Account Account Tab

My User Tab (Your Personal Profile)

Next up is the My User tab, which allows you to update your User Profile (Figure 8). 

My Account My User Tab

All Users Tab

The All Users tab lists the Users for your My Account account; you can view, update, create, and delete authorized Users from this tab (Figure 9).

My Account All Users Tab

Click the checkbox next to Show Activations to see any licenses each user has activated, and when that activated licenses expires.

All Users Tab showing Activations

Quotes Tab

On the Quotes tab, you see any open Quotes - you can pay them by clicking 

Quotes Tab showing open Quote, ready to Pay

Order History Tab

On the Order History tab, you see your past orders (Figure 11) and any expired Quotes.

Order History Tab showing a Processed (Paid) Invoice

Licenses Tab

The Licenses tab shows the PlanSwift licenses (Figure 12) and PlanSwift plugin licenses (Figure 13) you currently have. The Download buttons allow you to download your current licensed version of PlanSwift and your current licensed versions of plugins.

Product Licenses

Licenses Tab

Click the arrow next to a License Description to see all current Activations for that license.

Activations displayed for Professional 10.2 License

Each activation shows the User, Computer, the date the license was Activated and when it Expires (on that Machine), and the number of day remaining until the license expires (on that Machine). 

License Gear Menu

Click  to the right of a line item to see available options.

Licenses Gear menu

You can download the installer, set the length of time a user can use a license before they need to reactivate it, or temporarily override an expired license.

Plugin Licenses

PlanSwift Plugins sub-tab

Click  to the right of a line item to see available options.

Plugins Gear menu

Trainings Tab

On the Trainings Tab, you find Scheduled, Pending (purchased but not scheduled), and Completed Training courses.

Scheduled Trainings

You see who is participating in training and when.

Completed Trainings

Support Tab

The Support Tab shows you all your Pending (open) and Resolved (closed) Support Tickets (cases).  

New Issue?

To open a new Support ticket for your PlanSwift product, see Contact Us.

Pending Support tickets

Click the arrow next to a ticket to see details.

Review previous Support Tickets on the Resolved Tickets sub-tab.


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