Using the Dashboard

Using the Dashboard


The Dashboard is displayed each time you log in to your account and displays the updated totals for your Task List, project and company Watch List and Calendar events. 


Use the dashboard to get the most out of your daily ConstructConnect session:

  • Your dashboard Task List provides a snapshot of the tasks that require your attention.

  • Your Calendar provides a look at bid and pre-bid dates for your Watch List projects so you don’t miss anything important in your pipeline.

  • Your company Watch List alerts you each time one of your favorite companies is added to a project.  

Tip: You can access the Dashboard at any time by clicking the speedometer icon on the left side of the window: 

This section contains the following topics:  

Understanding the Task List

The Task List displays the project tasks by category for projects that are within 90 days of bidding. The number next to the category name represents the count of tasks for the category.


  •  To access the projects for each category, click on a category tile to open the Task List with the projects for the specific category displayed. 

  • All projects with expired bid dates are removed from the list.  

The following table describes the sections of the Task List




The Invitations to Bid (ITB) sent to you from general contractors.


The projects that match your Predict and profile settings.


The projects that you have recently added to your Watch List that have an associated task. 


The projects and notes that are shared between you and others in your company.


The project that you have sent to takeoff.

Understanding Watch List totals

The Watch List displays the companies that you have selected to track for future development. Each listing includes the number and aggregate value of projects associated with the company and a list of projects the company is working on. The project information includes project name, location, status (such as Award), bid date and value. 


Using the calendar

The calendar displays the current month by default and is used to indicate the due date of Notes added to a project and project significant events. Clicking on a date with a blue dot displays the event list and projects for that date:     


  • You can scroll to the previous or next month using the arrows at the top of the calendar.

  • Days marked with a blue dot indicate project activity that may be of interest to you, based on your account settings.

  • Below the calendar is a list of project events for the next several days. Each entry includes the project name, time and type of the event.

  • Clicking on the project entry opens the details page for the project. 

For more information, see Understanding the Project Details Page.

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