QuoteSoft was working at one time… and now it is not

QuoteSoft was working at one time… and now it is not

Applies to Pipe and Duct

Here are a few things that can cause QuoteSoft to stop working, or starts operating much slower than usual:

  1. The very first thing we recommend is reboot your computer. Not putting it to “sleep” or “hibernating” it, but actually turning it OFF completely at least once a week and doing a cold boot up. Windows is notoriously slack at clearing memory and temporary files. Also, there are Windows Updates that can back-up if you don’t reboot your computer, causing myriad system issues.

  2. Windows has changed. Windows updates have slowed down Windows 7, 8, and 10. As Microsoft adds features and prepares their old versions (7, 8, and 10) to be compatible with Windows 11, we have noticed some slowdown in Windows, as well as compatibility issues with QuoteSoft.

  3. Have you added users or other applications to the computers? Are the users listening to music or – streaming anything on their computers (using a lot of your available bandwidth)?

  4. Are you running other applications that are using significant system Resources? While using QuoteSoft, we recommend closing internet browsers, and other memory-intensive applications to free up the maximum amount of RAM.

  5. Are your hard drives getting full? Your QuoteSoft database can grow significantly, especially when you’re using a network/Server database shared by multiple users. Each user can easily add 10-100GB of storage demands.

  6. Have you “tuned-up “your computers – remove unused programs, defragged (Yes! Defragging your hard drive is still a thing!), Antivirus, Spyware programs, music streaming sites, games, can all slow down a computer. Antivirus and antispyware programs need exclusions set up for QuoteSoft.

  7. Have your internet connections gotten slower? – In many areas with all the people working from home, connections have been capped by the cable companies. Kids working on school work from home (or doing other online activities) can use a significant amount of your home’s internet bandwidth. Other things that eat up bandwidth are web cams, security cams, home automation devices (Alexa, Google, Siri), and of course - streaming audio and videos.

  8. How old are your computers? If your computer is several years old, it may be time for an upgrade. New operating systems tax older hardware. You can purchase a new computer for less than $1,500.

  9. Have users reset their internet connection at home. Typically, this involves unplugging the modem and router, waiting a few seconds, then plugging in the modem first, then the router. Many times, this will grab a better, faster connection to your internet provider.

  10. Try to use wired connections if at all possible - they tend to be faster and more stable than WiFi connections. If you must use WiFi, invest in the fastest router you can afford - one with a dedicated backhaul between repeaters.

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