How to Backup Your QuoteSoft Database

How to Backup Your QuoteSoft Database

There are two reasons for backing up your QuoteSoft Database:

  • Routine Maintenance - in the event something happens and you need to restore a previous copy

  • Moving your database to a different SQL Server (either on the same machine or a different machine)

Whatever the reason, backing up your database is a pretty straight-forward operation and take just a few minutes. You do need Microsoft SQL Management Studio available to perform a backup (unless you are familiar with doing it via a command prompt, which is not covered here).

Launch the SQL Server Management Studio

Connect to SQL Server using your credentials - if you only have one “instanced” of SQL installed on this machine, usually its name is prepopulated in the Server Name field. If you don’t know the server on which your DUCT database is stored, contact your IT department.

In Object Explorer expand Databases and find the Duct database.


Right-click on the Duct database, this opens the Context Menu.

Click Tasks > Back Up…


 The Back Up Database - (name) dialog box opens:

Set/verify the following parameters:

  • Database = Duct

  • Backup type = Full

  • Backup component = Database

  • Back up to = Disk

In the Destination box, newer versions of Management Studio automatically fill in a default backup, which should suit your needs. If this box is blank, click the Add… button:

 In the Select Backup Destination window, click the three dot button

This opens Locate Database Files dialog box. Locate and Select the folder (path) there you want to save you database.

By default, Microsoft saves SQL backups to:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<your instance name>\MSSQL\Backup

Leave the File Type as “Backup Files(*.bak;*.trn)”

Type in a File name = set a name and specify the file extension (.bak)

We recommend that you include today’s date and time, along with your database name, in your backup name.

Click OK to return to the Backup Database dialog box.

Click the OK button in the Select Backup Destination window.

Verify that the new set path for your backup was added in the Destination field.

Click the OK button in the Back Up Database window.

When the backup is complete, you will receive a message something like this…


Next, locate the BAK file in the destination you selected and move it to a secure location, or to the server on which you want to restore it.

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