Backup and Restore QuoteSoft "Duct" Database

Backup and Restore QuoteSoft "Duct" Database

Generalized instructions for performing a SQL Backup and Restore as well as copying the necessary file folders are laid out below. Please consult with a QuoteSoft Product Specialist for specific needs.

This process is used for:

  • Moving database and files from one server to another
  • Creating backups for offsite storage
  • Creating backups for another location to have the same start up data


  • Launch “Microsoft SQL Management Studio” from your start menu.
  • Connect to the appropriate instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine (MachineName\QUOTESOFT).
  • In Object Explorer, click the server name to expand the server tree.
  • Expand Databases
  • Right-click the Duct database, point to Tasks, and then click Back Up. The Back Up Database dialog box appear.

  • Under Source, in the Database box, verify the database name of Duct is shown
  • In the Backup type list box, select Full.
  • Add a destination folder and file name for the backup
    • Extensions .bak or .trn are suggested
  • Click “OK” to perform the backup.
  • If desired, move the new backup file to another location/device for safe keeping.

For more information on backing up a SQL database:



  • Using windows explorer, browse to the folder that the server was installed to.  Default is: “C:\Quotesoft\DuctServer”
  • Two folders are needed for backup:
    • Jobs folder (stores plan files and saved reports)
    • Open the Images folder, copy the Catalog folder (stores custom catalog images used within the Duct program)
  • Typical suggestion is to zip the Jobs and Catalog Images folder together


  1. Install Duct on the system (Same version as what was backed up)


  1. Launch “Microsoft SQL Management Studio” from your start menu.
  2. Connect to the appropriate instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine (MachineName\QUOTESOFT).
  3. Right-click DATABASES, point to Tasks, and then click Restore Database. The Restore Database dialog box appears.
  4. In the Restore Database Dialog box, Select “Device” then click the browse button (...) to select your backup file.
  5. Click “OK” to begin the restoration process.

For more information about restoring a SQL database:



  1. Using windows explorer, browse to the folder that the server was installed to. Default is:“C:\Quotesoft\DuctServer”
  2. Jobs Folder
    1. If there is a jobs folder, it must be deleted before placing the backed up folder in its place
  3. Catalog Images
    1. Open the C:\QuoteSoft\DuctServer\Images folder and delete the Catalog folder
    2. Extract\Copy in the backed up Catalog Images folder

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