Analyze Technical Requirements

Analyze Technical Requirements

This section covers the following topics:

Supported Browsers and Tablets


The following browsers on Windows® platforms are compatible with the modules of the Forecast:

  • Google Chrome™ - version 30 and higher

  • Mozilla Firefox® - version 25 and higher

  • Microsoft Edge®


The following tablets are compatible with the modules of the Forecast:

  • Apple® iPad® iOS 7.0 and higher - Safari®

  • All other tablets are compatible with any of the above browsers. 

Enabling Cookies

You must have your browser set to accept cookies from the following addresses:

Disabling Popup Blockers

Browser-specific or add-on popup blocker software may prevent certain features of Analyze from functioning correctly. You may need to disable any popup blocker software on your browser to access these features.

NOTE: For specific information about enabling cookies and disabling pop-up blocker software for your browser, refer to your browser's documentation or contact your system administrator. For further information, contact Customer Service

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