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Creates a new property as specified and returns the new IPropertyObject.


Procedure: NewProperty(PropertyName: String; AFormula: String = ''; PropertyType: PropertyTypes = ptNumber): IPropertyObject;

    • ptNumber = 0
    • ptColor = 1
    • ptText = 2
    • ptMemo = 3
    • ptCheckBox = 4
    • ptPath = 5
    • ptImage = 6
    • ptLargeImage = 7
    • ptType = 8
    • ptScript = 9
    • ptFile = 10
    • ptLargeFile = 11
    • ptFileName = 12
    • ptConnectionString = 13
    • ptSlider = 14
    • ptDimension = 15

API Calls


Using IItem Object Model
// PlanSwift Code:

AProp := Item.GetProperty('Name');
If VarIsClear(AProp) then
  AProp := Item.NewProperty('Name', 'NewProperty', ptText);
Result := AProp.ResultAsString;

// FreshDesk Code:

  ps: IPlanSwift;
  est: IItem;
  itm: IItem;
  prop: IPropertyObject;
  // Create Planswift Interface
  ps := coPlanswift.Create;
  // Get the Estimating Tab
  est := ps.GetItem('Job\Takeoff');
  // Create  a New Area item
  itm := est.NewItem('Area', 'NewProperty Example');
  // Create a new Property Named "My Custom Property"
  prop := itm.NewProperty('My Custom Property', 'Sample Formula', ptText);
  // Add Property to the "API Properties" Group
  prop.Group := 'API Properties';
  // Show the Properties dialog box
  // Free Planswift
  ps := nil;
Using PlanSwift Object Model
Coming soon


Using IItem Object Model
public class PlanswiftApi
    private PlanSwift Planswift { get; }
    public PlanSwiftApi()
        Planswift = new PlanSwift();
Using PlanSwift Object Model
Coming soon


Using IItem Object Model
Coming soon
Using PlanSwift Object Model
Coming soon

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