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Global Variables and Constants

Global Variables and Constants

Coming soon


Procedure: Coming soon

API Call:

  // Global Variables
  Application: IPlanSwift; // Default application COM Instance.
  PlanSwift: IPlanSwift: // Default application COM Instance, same as Application.
  // COM PropertyTypes
  ptNumber = 0;
  ptColor = 1;
  ptText = 2
  ptMemo = 3;
  ptCheckBox = 4;
  ptPath = 5;
  ptImage = 6;
  ptLargeImage = 7;
  ptType = 8;
  ptScript = 9;
  ptFile = 10;
  ptLargefile = 11;
  ptFileNmae = 12;
  ptConnectionString = 13;
  ptSlider = 14;
  ptDimension = 15;
  // COM InputTypes
  inpStoreLocal = 0;
  inpStoreParent = 1;
  // COM ListTypes
  ltSimpleList = 0;
  ltList = 1;
  ltTreeList = 2;
  ltExecutePlugin = 3;
  ltAutoList = 4;
  // COM InheriteActions
  iaNormal = 0;
  iaIgnore = 1;
  iaInheritformula = 2;
  iaInheriteresult = 3;
  iaFlatten = 4;
  // COM ScriptTypes
  stEvent = 0;
  stMethod = 1;
  // COM ScriptLangues
  slPascal = 0;
  slBasic = 1;
  slExecute = 2;

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