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Property - SliderShowTicks - FD

Property - SliderShowTicks

Gets or Sets the SliderShowTicks attribute for this property.


Property: SliderShowTicks: Boolean;

API Calls


Using IItem Object Model
ps: IPlanSwift;
  itm,rcolor,bcolor,gcolor: IItem;
  prop: IPropertyObject;
  est: IItem                
 //Create planswift Interface
    ps := coplanswift.Create;
    //Get the Estimating Tab
    est := ps.Getitem('Job\Takeoff');
    //get Ps Property Example Item if exists
    itm := est.GetItem('PS Property Examples');
    //Delete It
    if not varisclear(itm) then begin
    //Create a new Item
    itm := est.newItem('Part','PS Property Examples');
    //Add Properties for RED Value as a slider
    rcolor := itm.NewProperty('Red','0',ptslider);
    //Set slider min value
    rcolor.SliderMin := 0;
    //set slider max value
    rcolor.SliderMax := 255;
    //set slider frequency
    rcolor.SliderTickFrequency := 1;
    //show ticks on slider
    rcolor.SliderShowTicks := true;
    //Set item in API group
    rcolor.Group := 'API EXAMPLES';
    gcolor := itm.NewProperty('Green','0',ptslider);
    //Set slider min value
    gcolor.SliderMin := 0;
    //set slider max value
    gcolor.SliderMax := 255;
    //set slider frequency
    gcolor.SliderTickFrequency := 1;
    //show ticks on slider
    gcolor.SliderShowTicks := true;
    //Set item in API group
    gcolor.Group := 'API EXAMPLES';
    //Create a property for blue color
    bcolor := itm.NewProperty('Blue','0',ptslider);
    //Set slider min value
    bcolor.SliderMin := 0;
     //set slider max value
    bcolor.SliderMax := 255;
    //set slider frequency
    bcolor.SliderTickFrequency := 1;
    //show ticks on slider
    bcolor.SliderShowTicks := true;
    //Set item in API group
    bcolor.Group := 'API EXAMPLES';
    //Get the Color Property
    prop := itm.GetProperty('Color');
    //Check to see if the color property exist if not create it
    if varisClear(prop) then
      prop := itm.NewProperty('Color','Result := RGB([Red],[Green],[Blue])',ptcolor);
    //Set Property Formula
    prop.Formula := 'Result := RGB([Red],[Green],[Blue])';
    //set Expression to true
    prop.Expression := True;
    //Set to API Group
    prop.Group := 'API EXAMPLES';
    //Show The Item Properties Box
    //Free the planswift interface 
    ps := nil;
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model

Pascal Scripting (OLE)

Item Object Model
Root Object Model

Pascal Scripting

Item Object Model
Using the PlanSwift Object Model

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