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GetZoom - FD


Returns the current "zoom" scale factor for the active page.


Function: Get_Zoom: Double;

Code Reference:

    • 1. Create a New Form application
    • 2. Add a button to the form
    • 3. Add Planswift to reference (Planswift9_tlb in the uses)
    • 4. Copy code to button onclick event

API Calls


Using IItem Object Model
procedure TForm1.psGetZoom(Sender: TObject);
  ps: IPlanSwift;
  zoom: string;
//Create Planswift Interface
 ps := coPlanswift.Create;
 //Call inputbox to change the zoom level
 zoom := InputBox('Change Zoom Level','Change Zoom Level',FloatToStr(ps.Zoom));
 //Set Zoom Value
 ps.Zoom := strToInt(zoom);
 //Free Planswift Interface
 ps := nil;
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model

Pascal Scripting (OLE)

Item Object Model
Root Object Model

Pascal Scripting

Item Object Model
Using the PlanSwift Object Model

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