Creating an opportunity

Creating an opportunity

You can create a new opportunity from any of the Insight projects imported into your Salesforce account. 

The information displayed on the Salesforce project details page is imported from the Insight project listing. When you select a project to be an opportunity, the project information is imported into the New Opportunity page for review and editing.  

Note: Not all fields from the Insight project listing may be present in your Salesforce version of the project. Additionally, there may be fields in the listing that are specific to your company. For more information, contact your system administrator. 

This section contains the following topics:

Creating a new opportunity 

To create a new opportunity,


With the project listing displayed in your Salesforce account, click Create Opportunity.

Result: The New Opportunity window is displayed showing the project information imported into the listing.


You can review the information and edit certain fields. Additionally, there may be fields that are specific to your company that require input. To continue, see Editing opportunity information in the next section.

Editing opportunity information

The New Opportunity window lets you review the project information and modify certain sections. Make sure to click Save after you are finished changing any information. 


  • Fields marked in red are required. 
  • Any information specific to your company is not described in this section.  

The following table describes the fields in the New Opportunity window.    



Opportunity Information

Opportunity Owner

The Salesforce account holder for the opportunity. The default owner is the account holder viewing the record. You can change the owner depending on your permissions level and version of Salesforce.

To change the owner,

  • click the spyglass to open the Lookup menu.
  • The name of the current owner is displayed in the box. To search for users, enter the name in the box and click Go.

Result: Any matching name is displayed in the Users section.

  • To select a new owner, select from the list of users in the Users section.

Result: The menu closes and the new owner name is listed in the Opportunity Owner box.

Opportunity Name

The name of the opportunity. The default is the project name in Insight. You can accept this name or enter another name.

Account Name

The account or company associated with the project. You can accept the current account, search for an existing account to use or create a new account for the opportunity.

Note: Opportunities are not required to have an assigned account. 

Adding an account to an opportunity

Choose from the following to add an account to an opportunity.

If you are using...Then...

in the Account Name box,

  • enter the name of the company. You can either and click Go or
  • click the spyglass icon to see companies already associated with the project.

Results: The Lookup menu is displayed.


You can use the menu to locate an account for the opportunity:

  • Enter a name in the Search box and click Go. The results of your search are displayed in the Search Results For Account box.
  • See the list of companies already playing a role on the project in the Companies Associated To Project section.
3Click on an account name to select the account for the opportunity.
4Click Save when you are done.

in the Account Name box,

  • start typing the first few letters of the company name.

Results: The names of matching companies are displayed in the Recently Viewed Account List.


Click on the company name to select the company as the account for the opportunity.

Click Save when you are done.

Creating a new account

Choose from the following to create a new account for the opportunity.

If you are using...Then...

click New at the top of the menu.


In the menu, complete the fields. Note that only the Account Name value is required.


Click Save when you are done.

Results: The company is added to the list of search account results.


Click on the company name to set the company as the account for the opportunity.


Click Save when you are done.

Results: The company is added as the account for the project.

1Click in the Account Name box and then click Add New Account.
2In the Create Account menu, enter the information for the account. Note that only the Account Name value is required.

Click Save when you are done.

Results: The company is added as the account for the project.

Description Information

The text description of the project listing in Insight. You can edit any of this information as needed. Make sure to click Save when you are done.
Project Information

The project information imported from the project listing in Insight. For a description of the fields in this section, click on the question mark ? icon next to each value. 


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