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EarthWork Pro - Calculating Cut and Fill

** Read this first ** This plugin requires the images to be in TIF format. Earthwork Pro cannot calculate volumes when performing takeoff on PDF pages. PDF pages must be converted to TIF images before you digitize contours or spot elevations.


Scaling the Page

Cut and Fill cannot be properly calculated unless the page is properly scaled. Earthwork Pro requires the user to set the scale in both the X and Y axis. For most drawings you can use the drop-down auto-scale, but be sure to always verify the auto-scale by double checking dimensions.

(Figure 43)

When your page is properly scaled in both the X and Y axis you will see a black arrowed icon next to the page that shows arrows both up, down, left and right. If your icon does not indicate arrows in all directions, it is incorrect and needs to be corrected before you can proceed to calculate.

(Figure 44)

Note: If you try to calculate cut and fill with the scale not being correct, PlanSwift and Earthwork Pro may not respond and you may need to close and restart them.

If your site plan has only one horizontal dimension to scale from you can first manually set the horizontal scale and then use the rotate tools found on the “Tools” tab to rotate the green dimension line and then scale the vertical dimension from that.

 (Figures 45, 46, 47)

Note: It is possible to digitize the areas without actually scaling the page in both directions, however for calculating Cut and Fill, it is necessary that the scale is set in both the X and Y axis. Also, if you have already digitized everything and you need to redo the scale, you can. Simply click “Clear Scale” from inside the Scale window and then start over and make the scale right using the options above.

Launching the EarthWork Pro Plugin

Once all the digitizing for Existing and Proposed is complete, navigate to the Home Tab and click the Earthwork Pro V3 button from the ribbon bar...


or, if your Earthworks Pro buttons are stacked...

When you click on Earthwork Pro button, Earthwork Pro V3 open a new window, and you see an orange Loading Screen...

(the window shown above is used for calculating cut and fill )

On the new window's ribbon bar there are several key Ribbon Groups:

  • Zoom/Pan
  • Image Tools
  • Calculate
  • Calculation Options
  • Graphic Options

In the bottom right corner there is the “Send To PlanSwift” button. You will use this button to send the calculations back to PlanSwift after they are calculated in this window. (Figure 49)

Calculating the Topography of Existing and Proposed

Click the Calculate button from the ribbon bar. There are several options you can change before you calculate, but generally speaking you will usually calculate without changing any of the default options. (Figure 50)

After clicking the “Calculate” button, Earthworks Pro draws in a grid of Blue and Red shapes. (The default shape is the triangle and can be changed on the ribbon bar. Also, the shape’s color can be changed on the ribbon bar)

Once the topography has been calculated in this window, click the “Send to PlanSwift” button in the lower right corner to send the calculations back into the Estimating Tab of PlanSwift.

If you need to run calculations on the same page, we recommend you rename the folder in the Calculated Topography panel. Each time you click “Send to PlanSwift” (unless you have changed the Name of the folder) the previous calculations you sent to PlanSwift are overwritten by the latest calculations.

Changing the Name of the folder prevents the original calculations from being overwritten and adds a new folder to the Estimating Tab in PlanSwift.

It can take some time for the calculations to import into PlanSwift depending on how big the job is. PlanSwift confirms the calculations have been successfully exporting into the Estimating Tab of PlanSwift.

On the Estimating Tab in PlanSwift, select the Earthwork Pro Default layout from the left hand side and then expand the folders under the Earthwork Controls to see the calculations. (Figure 54)

The REPORTS tab also has a report to display the calculations. Use the Preview tab to see it as so. (Figure 55)

Adjusting Elevations on Multiple Contours

Earlier, we showed in the properties window that elevations can be adjusted on a digitized contour. Elevations of Proposed contours are generally the ones being adjusted, but Existing can be adjusted too. (Figure 56)

Many times, the elevations need to be adjusted on many of the Proposed elevations. Instead of changing them all one-by-one, a four step approach is suggested to adjust the elevations.

First, in the Takeoff Summary window on the left side of PlanSwift, use the lightbulbs to hide any contours you do not want to adjust. (Figure 57) Second, select the remaining contours and move them into a new folder. I labeled my new folder “Adjustments” for this example. (Figure 57) Third, click over to the Estimating Tab in PlanSwift and find those contours in the new folder you created. (Figure 58) Fourth, switch the Estimating Layout to the EWP Adjust Elevations layout, highlight all of the contours use the SHIFT key to select them, then right click in the desired column you’re are adjusting the value for and use the Fill With option to set the new value. (Figure 58)

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