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Functions - GetPoint - FD

Functions - GetPoint

Returns the IPoint object from the given index position.

Syntax:Function: IItem.GetPoint(PointIndex: Integer): IPoint

API Calls


Using IItem Object Model
ps: IPlanSwift;
  est: IItem;
  itm: IItem;
  sect: IItem;
  pt: IPoint;
  // Create Planswift Interface
  ps := coPlanswift.Create;
  // Get the estimating tab
  est := ps.GetItem('Job\Takeoff');
  // Create a NewItem
  itm := est.NewItem('Area', 'GetPoint Example');
  // Create a New Section
  sect := itm.NewSection('GetPoint Section');
  // Add 4 Points to the section on the current page
  sect.NewPoint(0, 0);
  sect.NewPoint(100, 0);
  sect.NewPoint(100, 100);
  sect.NewPoint(0, 100);
  // Show Message that box was drawn
  ShowMessage('Box Drawn');
  // Get the thrid drawn poing
  pt := sect.GetPoint(3);
  // set it to a new postion
  sect.SetPoint(3, pt.X, pt.Y + 100);
  // Show message the the 4th point was moved
  ShowMessage('Point 4 has been Moved');
  // Free Plnaswift
  ps := nil;
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model

Pascal Scripting (OLE)

Item Object Model
Root Object Model

Pascal Scripting

Item Object Model
Using the PlanSwift Object Model

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