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Functions - DoRecord - FD

Functions - DoRecord

Begins recording digitizer points for the Item. Returns False if no points are recorded.


Function: DoRecord: Boolean;

API Calls


Using IItem Object Model
ps: IPlanSwift;
  est: IItem;
  itm: IItem;
  sect: IItem;
  // Create Planswift Interface
  ps := coPlanswift.Create;
  // Get the Estimating tab
  est := ps.GetItem('Job\Takeoff');
  // Create a new Item
  itm := est.NewItem('Area', 'DoRecord Example');
  // Create a new Section
  sect := itm.NewSection('DoRecord Section');
  // Start Recording section on current page
  // Free Planswift
  ps := nil;
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model


Using IItem Object Model
Using PlanSwift Object Model

Pascal Scripting (OLE)

Item Object Model
Root Object Model

Pascal Scripting

Item Object Model
Using the PlanSwift Object Model

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