Working with Saved Views

Working with Saved Views

Bid Center’s saved views capability helps you better manage your day-to-day business. The system has four layouts, depending upon your Project Intelligence subscription level (CCPI Starter vs. CCPI Professional): List, Tabs, Card, and Calendar. Choose a layout according to how you want to manage your business workflow or your organizational role.


List View is available to CCPI Professional subscribers only. This project view provides you with an overview of your entire bid pipeline, including what stage each project is at in your bidding process. Use this view to quickly compare projects and ensure that your business development efforts are focused where they need to be. In this view, you can also review and export projects your company has opted to not bid on or archived projects for reporting and historical purposes.


Tab View helps you track and manage your entire bid pipeline. The tabs at the top indicate how many projects you have at each stage of the bidding process, including tracking how many projects you’ve won. Advance projects to the next stage as you complete your initial assessment or assign specific projects to others in your organization. Use this view to also determine when invitations to bid are due so that you can map them to your internal workflows, or to review and get reporting for projects that you opted to not bid on or have archived as part of your reporting on your entire end-to-end business development pipeline.

tab view


Card View is available to CCPI Professional subscribers only. This is your digital bid board, enabling you to see at-a-glance the active projects in your bid pipeline so that you can better communicate and collaborate with your team. Further organize your projects by assigned user, a specific location or building use, or upcoming bid dates using Bid Center’s custom filters. Simple drag-and-functionality also lets you move a card (project) from one stage to another so that your team is always focused on the most important opportunities for your organization.


Calendar View helps map all the bid days for the projects in your entire pipeline. Using this view, work backwards from a particular bid day to create an internal project plan or assign work to others in your organization (i.e., estimators) as needed.

calendar view

Saving, Loading or Changing Your View (CCPI Professional Subscribers)

As a CCPI Professional subscriber, your digital bid board is completely customizable. Configure your Bid Center by applying filters for location, building type or zip code; sorting and/or reordering the columns within your view; and/or choosing your preferred layout. When you’re finished, you can then save that view for future use. The next time you log on, the system will automatically remember your saved preferences, as well as adding any new targets that fit your pre-determined criteria. 

Learn how to save a view (including applying your custom preferences), load a view or rename an existing view in the step-by-step instructions below.

Saving a View


Configure the set-up you want to save by applying all the necessary filters, choosing the viewing option you would like, selecting which status category you would like to be opened automatically (for Tab View only), and arranging your table columns according to your preferences (not applicable for Calendar View).


Next, click the Save View As button in the top right corner of your screen.

save view as button


Enter a name for your saved view in the Save View As pop up window (shown below). Click Save when finished.

save view as popup


Your saved view will now be available for quick loading the next time you need it.

Loading a View


Click the Load View button in the top right corner of your screen.

load view button


Click on the view you want to load.

saved views popup


After your preferred view is loaded, you can see its name in the top left corner next to Bid Center.

view name

Change the Name of an Existing View


Click the Load View button in the top right corner of your screen.

load view button


Click on the view you want to load.

saved views popup


After your preferred view is loaded, click on the pencil icon next to the name of your saved view. Type in a new name for your saved view and hit enter. The system will automatically update with the new name for your search.

Edit view name

Viewing, Exporting or Changing the Status of No Bid or Archived Projects


To access your inactive (Not Bidding, Archived) projects, in the top-level Bid Center menu, click on the icon shown below.

List, Tab or Card View



A drop-down menu will appear, enabling you to choose from active or inactive (Not Bidding, Archived) projects.

List, Tab or Card View



Once the system displays your Not Bidding or Archived projects, you can export them to an Excel file for historical reporting. Simply click on the Export icon (shown below), and
the system will automatically generate an Excel file you can download and save.



If you want to change the status of an inactive project (or projects) and add them back to your active bidding pipeline, select a project(s) by clicking in the check box next to the project name. A new Change Status button will appear (shown below).

Click on the new status for your project (e.g., Under Review), and the project will automatically be restored to your active bidding pipeline.

Note: You can only view inactive projects from the List or Tab view, not the Calendar view. Also, when viewing your inactive projects, you cannot Load or Save Views. This function only applies to your active projects.

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