Pages, Bookmarks Toolbar
To open any link in a new tab, preserving your position in the current article, just hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard before clicking the link or click using your mouse wheel.

Pages, Bookmarks Toolbar

On the left side of the Pages Tab, you’ll find the Pages, Bookmarks toolbar.

Pages, Bookmarks Toolbar - PlanSwift


This toolbar provide several tools to help you organize and navigate the Pages in your project.



What it does



What it does


New Page Folder

Opens the New Page Folder pop-up so you can add a Page Folder to organize your Pages.

It’s a good idea to organize your Pages by Discipline (Trade) so that you can keep focused on the Pages that matter the most to you.


Add Pages

Opens the Add Pages dialog box where you can:

  • Add one or more Pages by importing image files (PDFs)

  • Add a blank Page

  • Add a Page based on the contents of the Windows clipboard



Deletes the selected Page Folder (and all Pages and subfolders), Page, or Pages from the Pages list.

This cannot be undone! You are prompted twice to confirm - think before you do so.



Opens the Properties pop-up where you can change the Page’s Name.

At the bottom of the pop-up, you can access Advanced settings to make additional changes, as needed.





Reorder Pages

Allows you to collate the Pages to put them in a logical order.


Expand All

Expands all Page Folders


Collapse All

Collapses all Page Folders


Open in New Takeoff Tab

Select a Page in the list and click this button to open the Page in a new Takeoff Tab (within the same, current window).


Open in New Takeoff Window

Select a Page in the list and click this button to open the Page a separate Takeoff Window, detached from the main application window. Very handy if you want to keep a detail or schedule page up on one monitor while you draw takeoff on a different Page in the main screen.


Toggle single/double click to open

By default, clicking once on a Page in the list opens that Page in the current Takeoff Window. Click this button to switch that to a double-click, it makes using the “Open in New Takeoff Tab” and “Open in New Takeoff Window” buttons much easier and more efficient.


See also: Opening a Page in a New Tab or New Window


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