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Reports Tab: New Report
Creating a new custom Report in PlanSwift allows you to view data and information that fits the criteria you need. If you go to the Reports tab now, you will see all of the default reports that PlanSwift offers, as well as any custom reports that you may have created.
Select one of the report formats that is closest to what you are looking for, and click the green plus (+) button under Report Layouts. This opens a window where you can rename the new Report you are about to customize; from there start filtering based on what you would like to see.
Essentially, Reports have a few key components: Filters, Columns and Grouping. These allow you to edit the report to show what information you need and how it is organized.
- Filters search through all of your data and extract information based on the criteria that you set, thus reducing the results to only the items you need. For more information about Filters, see Report Filters.
- Columns report the property values that are stored on the items you for which you filtered.
- Grouping allows you to organize the results in a meaningful way. For more information about Grouping and Columns, see Report Grouping.
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