To open any link in a new tab, preserving your position in the current article, just hold down the <CTRL> key on your keyboard before clicking the link or click using your mouse wheel.
Getting Started : Tips and Tricks for Planswift 8x
Press the M key at any time to toggle the magnifier. You can also zoom in using the scroll wheel on your mouse while the magnifier is active. Check out Shortcut Keys for a complete list.
Right-click at any time to toggle the Pan tool. Your previous tool will be restored when you release. If you right-click without moving the mouse, it will open a standard options menu.
The scroll wheel on your mouse will zoom in or out from where the mouse pointer is located.
Holding down Shift while drawing a digitizer item will temporarily disable Ortho. (Ortho can be turned off under Settings/Settings/Snapping.)
Pressing A while drawing a digitizer item will allow you to specify the midpoint of an arc.
Hold down the mouse button while drawing a digitizer item to enable freehand mode.
The AutoScroll feature will cause the image to pan faster as you get closer to the edge of the digitizer window. (You can adjust the size of the AutoScroll border underSettings/Settings/Navigation.)
The Crop as New Page tool under the Page tab is useful for separating sections with different scales that are drawn on the same page.
Once a page has been scaled, you can find and mark any dimension using the Dimension tool.
You can customize the Ribbon Bar by clicking the down-arrow on the title bar.
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