Working with the Directory

Working with the Directory

The Directory contains all of the business contacts that you have added to your account. Included are company and contact name, location and contact information, the number of times you have invited the company, and a record of their response. You can also add a contact and company to the list:

This section contains the following topics:  

Accessing the Directory 

To access the Directory, click the Directory icon from the sidebar menu:

Understanding the List

The following table describes the fields in the Directory window.

Note: Clicking on a company or contact name opens the corresponding details page for the entry.

Company NameThe name and location of the company.

NameThe name, phone and email address for the contact.
Phone Number
ResponseThe number of times the company has responded to an invitation from you. This includes all bid response types.
HistoryThe number of times you have invited the company to a project.
NetworkWhen the ConstructConnect logo is displayed, indicates that the company is a paid subscriber.    

Searching the List

The search bar at the top of the window lets you search your Directory by contact and company name and by email address.  

To search the list:

  • Enter your search terms in the box. The list will automatically refresh with the results as you type. 

Note: You can use partial names in your search. This includes partial company and contact names, email addresses and street names.  

Filtering the List

You can filter the list to find companies according to company location, trades, certifications and labor affiliations.

To filter the list: 

  • Select the filtering options you want to use from the Filters menu on the left side of the page. Your list will refresh with each filtering option you select. 

The following table describes the options you can use in the Filters menu. 

Contact ListsBy default, all of your contacts are displayed in the list. Click a list name to show only those contacts from one your your saved lists. The number of contacts displayed in the list will appear next to the list name.
Service AreaUse with the radius selection to display the matching counties for the code. You can remove counties by clicking the x next to the county name.
TradesUse to filter the list by your custom trades lists.
Labor AffiliationsUse to filter by specific labor affiliations. 
CertificationsUse to filter by specific minority certifications.

Using the Directory List Actions Menu

This section covers the tasks you can perform using the Directory List Actions menu, as described in the following table.   


Create New List

You can create customized lists to save companies and contacts for specific uses. Your custom lists are displayed at the top of the Filters list. 

To create a new list:

  • Click Create New List
  • In the menu, enter the list name in the box. 
  • Optionally, you can enter text in the Description box. 
  • When you are done, click Save. 

Your lists will also be displayed when you use the Manage Lists option. 

Delete Lists

Use this option to delete a list. To delete a list:

  • Select Manage Lists from the Actions menu. 
  • In the , menu, select the list from the drop-down menu. 
  • Click Delete List.. 

Add to List

Use to add the contacts of a personal list to your Directory. 

To use this feature:

  • Select the personal list Swith the contacts you want to add to your Directory
  • Select Add to List(s) from the Actions menu. 
  • Click Add to... to add the contacts to your Directory

Remove from List

Use to remove a personal list fromS

  • Select the personal list you want to remove. 
  • Select Remove from List from the Actions menu. 
  • Click Add to... to add the contacts to your Directory

Export to Excel 

Use to export company information as a formatted spreadsheet. 

To use this feature:

  • Select the companies you want in your export. 
  • Select Export to Excel from the Actions menu. 
  • In the menu, select the columns you want in your export. can clear your selections by clicking Reset Columns at the bottom of the menu.
  • When you are ready, click Export.   

Result: The export runs and you are prompted to save the export on your local device. 

Export All to PDF

Use to export the entire Directory as a formatted PDF. 

Working with Company and Contact Details 

The Directory contains a list of companies and associated contacts that you have added to your account for potential business. You can access and edit the details for both contacts and companies.

Accessing the Company and Contact Details Pages

To access the details for companies and contacts:

  • Click on the company or contact name in the list. 

To switch the view:

  • Click on either Company or Contact.

Understanding Company Details

The following table describes the fields in the Company Information section of a listing.


Contains basic information about the company, including website and a general description. 

  • Click Edit to edit or add information to the listing. Your edits are automatically added to the company profile.
Service Area

The physical location of the company. 

  • To add a location, click Map and locate the company on the map. 
TradesThe trades associated with the company. You can use the search menu in the section to find the trades for the company by name or code.
Certifications & Labor Affiliations

The certifications and labor affiliations for the company. 

To add a certification:

  • Click Add Certification
  • In the Add Certification menu, either search or click Browse All Organizations to locate organizations. 
  • Click Add Certifications(s) when you are done. 

The labor affiliation for the company. 

To add an affiliation: 

  • Click Add Labor Affiliation.
  • In the menu, select an affiliation from the list. 
  • Click Save Affiliation(s) when you are done. 
Project Activity

Lists the projects where the company is currently engaged.

  • Clicking on the project name opens the details page for the project. 
NotesAny notes added to the company. 

Understanding Contact Details

The contacts for a company are displayed on the Contact tab for a company listing.

Each contact on the page has a different set of information.

  • Click the contact name to display the details for that contact. The contact currently being viewed is highlighted blue in the list (as shown below).

Tip: To edit the information for the contact, click the pencil icon on the right side of the page.

The following table describes the fields in the Contact section of a listing.


The top of the listing includes the following information:

  • Name
  • Phone, mobile, fax and company email address
  • Address, including city, state and postal code

A contact listed as Gone from Company is no longer included in your project results.  


The trades associated with the company. You can use the search menu in the section to find the trades for the company by name or code. You can also add or edit the trades for a contact.

To add or edit trades:

  • Click Add/Edit Trades.
  • To add a trade, use the menu to locate the trades you want to add. Click Show CSI Codes to show the codes next to the trade names.
  • To remove a trade, click the box next to a selected trade twice to remove the trade from the list.
  • When you are finished, click Apply.

Note: In the menu, the trades already associated with the contact are highlighted blue.

Service Area

The location in which the company generally performs work. You can use the search menu in the section to find the specific service areas for the company. You can also add or edit the service area. 

To add or edit the service area by postal code within a radius:

  • Click Add/Edit Service Area. 
  • To set the service area by postal code radius, enter the postal code and then radius from the code in the menu.
  • Click Apply and then click Save at the bottom of the menu. The map will display the selected projects associated with that particular service area.
  • To adjust the area, change the values for code and distance.
  • When you are done, click Apply.

To add or edit the service area by state or county:

  • Click Add/Edit Service Area. 
  • Enter the state or county in the search box or expand the country list to view states, counties, provinces and territories.
  • Select the locations for the service area.
  • When you are done, click Save at the bottom of the menu.

Contact Lists

The Contact Lists section displays the custom lists that you have added to the contact. Using the menu you can add, edit and create custom lists. 

Note: The custom lists attached to the contact are displayed at the bottom of the section.

To add or remove a custom list:

  • Click the pencil icon to display your custom lists. The lists already attached to the contact are checked blue.
  • To add a list, select the list.
  • To remove a list, click on a list already attached to the contact.

To add a contact list:

  • Click Create Contact List from the bottom of the contact list.
  • In the menu, enter a name for the list and a description
  • Click Save when you are done. The list will then be added to your custom lists.   

Adding a Contact or Company

When you add a contact or company, you are asked to search for the contact email and company name to avoid creating duplicates.  

To add a contact and company:


Click Add Contact/Company from the top of the Directory list. 


In the Add Contact/Company menu, enter the the contact email address you are adding.


Did the system return a matching contact?  

  • If yes, the contact account already exists. Click the link to open the company listing for the associated contact.

    Note: You can add a new contact from the company page by clicking Add Contact

  • If no, the message displays that no matching contact is found. You are asked if you want to create a new contact.  

Do you want to add the contact to your Directory

  • If yes, click Would you like to create a new contact? Continue to the next step. 
  • If no, click Cancel to exit the menu. 

This step requires that you search for the company name to avoid duplicates. 

  • Enter the company name and press Enter. 

Does the system return a matching company?  

  • If yes, the company already exists but indicates that the contact used in the previous steps is not associated with the company listing. Follow the steps on the company listing to add the contact to the company.  
  • If no, and you want to add a new company, click Create New Company.  
6In the Add Contact/Company menu, enter the information for the company and then click Next.
7In the menu, add the information for the contact and then click Next.
8In the menu, select the trades for the company and then click Next.

In the menu, select the location for the company and then click Add to Directory.


In the Add to Projects menu, select the projects that you want to add the project to and then click Add to Projects.

Deleting and Marking Contacts as "Gone"

You can both delete a contact and edit their status from a contact listing.  

To access the delete or status change menu:

  • Click the three dots next to the pencil icon at the top right of the window. 

To delete the contact: 

  • Click Delete Contact from the list.
  • When prompted, click Yes, Continue to delete the contact. 

To remove the contact from your Directory: 

  • Click Gone from Company from the list. The contact is no longer returned in your project searches. 
  • To return the contact to an active status, click Unmark as Gone from Company

Adding, Editing or Deleting Custom Fields

Occassionally, our customers will have a need to add information about their sub-contractors that isn't associated with a standard data field (i.e., name, email, company, etc.). If you need to add, edit, or delete a customer field to better manage the contacts or companies you work with in your private directory, these step-by-step instructions will guide you through the process. 

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