Managing Your Profile
The Manage Profile page includes options for managing your login, personal, and subscription information. You can also see your current access entitlements and selected trades and business types.
This section covers the following topics:
Accessing the Manage Profile Page
At the top right of any page, click your name and then click View My Profile.
Managing Login Information
While on the Manage Profile page, navigate to the Login Information section, where you can change your user name / email address, security question, password, and manage your linked accounts.
Changing Your User Name or Email Address
Click in the User Name/Email Address field and type in your new email address.
Click Save Changes.
Your account is now linked to your new email address. Your new email address is displayed in the User Name/Email Address field.
Your user name is your email address and is how you access your account and receive email alerts. Make sure you use a valid email address when making changes to this setting.
Changing Your Password
Click Change Password.
Fill out the fields for your old password, new password, and confirmation of your new password.
Click Save & Continue. Your new password is now saved. Make sure to store your new password in a secure location.
NOTE: Passwords must be 7 to 20 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number.
Changing Your Security Question
Click Change Security Question (If you want to keep your existing security question, click Cancel).
Click in the Security Question field and type the new security question.
Click in the Security Answer field and type the answer to the security question.
Click Save & Continue. Your new security question is now saved.
You should change your security question on a regular basis to ensure that your account is secure.
Managing Personal Information
While on the Manage Profile page, navigate to the Personal Information section, where you can change your name, address, favorite trades and business types, and other personal information.
NOTE: You cannot change the Company Name value for your account.
Changing Your Personal Information
Click into any field within the Personal Information section and update your information.
Click Save Changes. Your updates to your personal information are now saved.
NOTE: All fields are required. You cannot change the Company Name value.
Updating Your Selected Trades and Business Type
Your trade and business type preferences are set when you log into Insight for the first time. The trade and business type preferences work with your searches to find contractors that play a role on projects that best match your business needs.
The Trades selection is organized by CSI Division and subcategory. You can select as many trades as you need.
Business Type
The Business Type selection lets you choose the work type that most closely matches the work you perform. You can only select one type.
After making any changes, click Save Changes on the bottom right of the page to save your new preferences.
Viewing Subscription Information
Your subscription information is displayed in the lower half of the window. The information displayed includes contract stop and start dates and project search criteria such as geography, stages and categories.
For more information, click the link on the page to contact your account representative, or Contact Customer Service.
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