Using the Snapshot window

Using the Snapshot window

The Snapshot window provides you with a high-level view of your project and company search results, and gives you access to your default material settings and personal information:

ConstructConnect Leads Snapshot window

This section contains the following topics:  


Using the welcome menu

The welcome menu gives you access to personal settings, saved searches, team options, and default materials settings. You can access the welcome menu from any page by clicking on your name at the top right side of the window:

ConstructConnect Leads Welcome menu

The following table describes the options available from the welcome menu.

My ProfileAccess your personal, company, login, and subscription information. For more information, see Managing Settings
Manage SearchesAccess your saved searches for editing, assigned users and email alerts. For more information, see Working with the Manage searches menu.
Mange UsersAccess the company and user account information for your company. For more information, see Managing User Accounts.
Manage TeamsFor Pulse managers, click to access the Manage Teams window. For more information, see Using Pulse Teams.
Document CenterAccess Document Center. For more information, see Working with Document Center.
SettingsAccess your default product and Analyze preference. For more information, see Managing Settings.
Contact Us
Click for options to contact Customer Service, including by live chat. For more information, see Contacting Customer Service.
Live Chat

Using the sidebar menu

The sidebar menu on the left side of the window gives you access to additional Insight modules as well as different options for Insight:

ConstructConnect Leads Snapshot button

Click Snapshot to show the Snapshot window.

ConstructConnect Leads Forecast button

Click Forecast or Analyze to access either of these modules. 

 Note: You can only access modules that are part of your subscription.

For more information about a feature not currently part of your subscription, contact Customer Service or your sales representative.

ConstructConnect Leads Analyze button

ConstructConnect Leads Leads button

Click Leads to show the projects page.

For more information, see Leads Online Help.

ConstructConnect Watchlist button

Click Watch List to access the projects and companies in your Watch List.

For more information, see Working with your Watch List projects. and Working with your Watch List companies. .

ConstructConnect Leads Export button

Click Export to access the documents in your export queue. For more information, see Working with documents.

ConstructConnect Leads Pulse button

Click Pulse to access Pulse.

For more information, see Pulse

Using the totals tile

ConstructConnect Leads Totals tile

The Totals tile displays the counts for total new and updated projects, and total subscribed companies and projects. All totals are based on your subscription level. Clicking on any of the totals opens the selected category in the results window, where you can refine your results. For more information about refining your results, see Working with the Project List and Working with the Company List

The following groups are available from the totals tile:

  • New Projects – These are new projects added since your last log on, based on your search criteria. For first time users, this is the previous seven days of projects. Clicking on the number opens the project list page for this range of projects.

  • Updated Projects – These are projects with updates that match your search criteria since your last log on. For first time users, this is the previous seven days of projects. Clicking on the number opens the project list page for this range of projects.

  • Your Subscribed Projects – All the projects you can access based on your subscription, compared to the total number of projects in the database in the bidding or planning stage for the previous 12 months. Clicking on the number opens the project list page for this range of projects.

  • Your Subscribed Companies – All the companies you can access based on your subscription, compared to the total number of companies associated with project as described above in Your Subscribed Projects. Clicking on the number opens the company search results page for this range of companies. For more information, see Working with the Company List.

For company users: If you are a locked user and in a dedicated search environment, the project counts displayed are higher than the projects available for your search. However, the projects that you can access still contain the text words specified in your dedicated search.    

Using the GEO tile

The GEO tile lets you match specific search result types (all, new, and updated) with your saved search criteria to locate matches by state:

ConstructConnect Leads Geo tile

The following table describes how you can use the GEO tile.

CountrySelect either USA or Canada.

Select the display option to see the corresponding matches for the selected search:

  • All Results - This displays all matches for the search selected in the For menu.

  • New - This displays new projects added for the search selected in the For menu.

  • Updated - Projects with updates in the last 7 days or from the last time you logged in for the search selected in the For menu.
ForSelect one of your saved searches in combination of the Display selection above.

Hovering your mouse over a state displays the state name and project count according to the search you selected in the For menu:

ConstructConnect Leads Geo map hover over tooltip

Tip: Clicking on a state opens the project results page with the projects or companies that match your search criteria based on your Display and For selections.


Hovering over a project count value in the legend highlights the matching states or provinces in the map:

ConstructConnect Leads Geo legend

Tip: Clicking on a project count opens the project results page with the projects and companies that match your search criteria based on your Display and For selections.

Using the search bar tile

The search bar tile lets you use a wide range of criteria for searching in Leads:

ConstructConnect Leads seachbar tile

To use the search bar tile,


Select the type of search you want to perform from the list.

Click...To search...
Everythingthe top five companies, projects, and documents in one results set.
Companiesby company name.

Personal Notesthe personal notes added to a company listing.
Documentsthe text in project plans and specifications.

Plansthe text in project plans.

Specsthe text in project specifications.
Projectsall project text.

Titleprojects by title.
Scope & Detailsprojects by the scope and details section of project listings.
Cityprojects by city where the project is located.
Postal Code/Zip Codeprojects by project postal code or zip code.
Personal Notesthe personal notes added to the listing.

Enter your term or terms in the search box.

Note: The only special characters supported when searching are the following:

" " * ( )

Example: Using concre* returns all words beginning with concre, such as concreteconcretedconcretion etc.

  • For more information about maximizing your results using special characters and a full list of non-supported special characters, see Search tips and techniques
To run the search, click the spyglass icon.

Result: The search runs and your results are displayed in the window. For document searches, the projects matching the search terms are displayed.

Using the search summary tile

The search summary tile displays the names and the key totals of up to the top ten active searches in your account:

ConstructConnect Leads Search Summary Tile

Each line displays the current totals for the search, including the project count and key participants. You can access the results page for the search by clicking on any of the text in the line for the search. For more information and to access the remainder of your searches, see Searching for projectsSearching for companies and Searching for documents.

Note: You can access the Manage Searches menu by clicking Manage Searches from the top of the section. For more information, see Using the Manage Searches menu.

The following table describes information in the search summary tile.

CRM export iconIndicates that the project is scheduled for CRM export. For more information, see CRM Information and Guides.
Search NameThe name of the saved search. Clicking on the name displays the search results in either the project results or the company results, depending on the search.
New/UpdatedThe total of new or updated projects or companies since your last log in. Clicking on the number displays the search results in either the project results  or the company results , depending on the search.
AllThe total number of projects or companies returned in the search. Clicking on the number displays the search results in either the project results  or the company results, depending on the search.
  • Architect
  • Engineer
  • General Contractor
  • Owner
  • Bidder
Each category displays the total number of participants for the selected type returned in the search. Clicking on the number displays the companies for the category in the company results.

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