Creating Pricing Adjustments
In the Advanced Duct version 4.1.2 program, the Classic FabShop feature formerly called Discounts and Markups is now called Pricing Adjustments. Pricing Adjustments are a set of discounts and/or markups that can be set at the Folder/Customer level to ensure Jobs are created with the desired adjustments in place. Users with proper permissions can adjust the discounts or markups at the job level. The Pricing Adjustments will be applied to Item Total Cost outside of Takeoff. The adjustments will be shown within the Job File and Reports only.
Pricing Adjustments are applied after Takeoff. The adjustments will not be shown in Takeoff.
Click this link to watch a video demonstrating Pricing Adjustments
Enabling the Pricing Adjustments Feature
From the Main Menu click the Configuration Button and then click on the Central Options tab on the left of the window. There is a new section added below Install Factors titled Pricing Adjustments.
I. Getting Started
Check the box to Allow Pricing Adjustments
Click the New Record button to create the first Price Adjustment
Type in a name and the values desired to be applied to the takeoff items in the Job File and Reports
Positive numbers will markup while negative numbers will discount
Click Save Changes when completed
II. Setting the Default Price Adjustment
Right-click a Pricing Adjustment in the list
Choose Set as default for new customers
There will be an asterisk ( * ) in the Default column designating the default
III. Showing Price Adjustments in Job File
After enabling the Price Adjustments you will need to decide where they will be shown in the Job File.
In Configuration click on the System tab
In the Job File grouping, you will see a new section titled Job Costing
Check the box to show Display Job Cost Section
It is recommended to check all options below to validate what is desired within the Job File
The option to Hide for Zones is to only allow one Price Adjustment per job
IV. Applying Price Adjustments in Job File
When creating a new Folder there will be a Pricing Adjustments drop-down menu
If one is set as default it will show up already selected
Users, with permissions, can override the default and change to another or Custom
Custom Pricing Adjustments allow for any adjustment percent to be typed in
After setting the Price Adjustments on the Folder, any Job created within the Folder will inherit the values set.
V. Price Adjustments on Jobs
Create a new job after a Price Adjustment has been set on a Folder
The adjustments set on the Folder will be inherited by the Job
Users, with permissions, can override the Adjustment by changing to Custom and manually entering values
VI. Price Adjustments on Zones
Create a new zone after a Price Adjustment has been set on a Job
The adjustments set on the Job will be inherited by the Zone
Users, with permissions, can override the Adjustment by changing to Custom and manually entering values
VII. Pricing Adjustments Shown in Job File
After the takeoff has been completed, the Job Info palette will show the Takeoff Job (all zones) Total.
The Adjustments are applied and shown in Total Adjusted
VIII. Price Adjustments in Excel Reports
After completing a takeoff export to Duct Summary reports
The Pricing Adjustments used will be shown and applied on the Detail tab
Use the controls at the top of the report to hide the columns if desired
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