Duct 4.1.0 Release Notes

Duct 4.1.0 Release Notes

The 4.1.0 Release included Improvements and Bug fixes. The purpose of this release is to continue the development and provide product replacement for Legacy SheetMetal and Fabshop products.

Improvements and New Features

Excel Export Filter

A checkbox has been added to the Excel Export section within the Report palette in the Job File. This check box will allow users to filter their export by Shape Type and Scope Info.

BIM Import - Revit

Added the ability to import Revit files for estimating. For a more detailed walk through of the feature please request a BIM training.

QuoteSoft supports Revit 2021 or earlier, it does not support Revit 2022.

Legacy Catalog Import

Provided the functionality to import Legacy SheetMetal Catalog files and their images. Previously these items were not importing due to lack of information. Advanced Duct now imports the Catalog.

Paste and Global Edit

When a user selects a group of item annotations within takeoff, copies them, and then right clicks to paste there is a new feature available to paste and then bring up the Global Edit tool for changes. Saving the user two extra clicks.

Expand for Liner with keyboard size entries

A new Onscreen Option feature to expand keyboard entries for sizes when liner is enabled has been added.

Scope Info Custom Field Input

In Legacy Takeoff users were able to type into the Scope Info boxes during their takeoff process. Then use a combo drop down menu to select a previously typed in custom value. These values were only related to the current job. This feature has been made available within Advanced Duct Takeoff.

Bug Fixes and Corrections

  • Takeoff would close if a round item was accepted with a 0 for one of the required diameter fields
  • Auto Scale was allowing for disabled spiral pipe diameters to be used
  • Setting scaling optimization to round to the nearest 0 inches would cause Takeoff to close
  • Using Office 365 during excel export would result in an error message that auto save failed
  • Catalog Group custom fields were not being exposed after creating them

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