Duct 4.1.2 Release Notes

Duct 4.1.2 Release Notes

The 4.1.2 Release included improvements and bug fixes. The purpose of this release was to provide Classic FabShop features within the Duct program.

Improvements and New Features

1. Price Output Joints Feature

New to the Duct version 4.1.2 is the Price Output Joints feature. This Classic Duct and FabShop feature are now available to all users. Price Output Joints will calculate labor and material costs for each joint end of the duct items when they are added to a takeoff. Without this feature enabled, the program will only calculate end 1.

Price Output Joints

2. Pricing Adjustments

In the Advanced Duct version 4.1.2 program, the Classic FabShop feature formerly called Discounts and Markups is now called Pricing Adjustments. Pricing Adjustments are a set of discounts and/or markups that can be set at the Folder/Customer level to ensure Jobs are created with the desired adjustments in place. Users with proper permissions can adjust the discounts or markups at the job level. The Pricing Adjustments will be applied to Item Total Cost outside of Takeoff. The adjustments will be shown within the Job File and Reports only.

Creating Pricing Adjustments

3. Data File Markups

Data File Markups are factors allow users to build in additional markup or discount by percentage (%) that will be applied prior to the materials being used in Takeoff.

K. Data File - Markups

4. Assembled Duct Option for Job Costing

The Classic FabShop feature to quote straight duct as assembled or non-assembled is available. This option will allow the user to remove the assembly labor from all straight duct.