K. Data File - Markups

K. Data File - Markups

The Advanced Duct version 4.1.2 makes available Data File Markups. These factors allow users to build in additional markup (%) that will be applied prior to the materials being used in Takeoff.

I. Inputting Data File Markups

  1. Navigate to Central Data and expand Setups

  2. Click on the Data File folder

  3. Open any component folder

  4. Click Edit on the component and there is a new Markup field available

II. Validating the Markup in Takeoff

  1. Select an item that will be using the component you adjusted

  2. Expand the Material Cost in Item Details

  3. Notice the Material Cost is increased/decreased based on the value you entered

III. Special Note

The markup percent will not be shown to the users and will not report separately. The Data File Markups are hidden.

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