Registering for a new Platform account

Registering for a new Platform account

When you are invited to join a ConstructConnect Organization, if there is not a Platform account associated with the e-mail address used, you receive an e-mail with a link to Set Up Your Account.

Click that link to register for a new Platform account. 


If you already have a Platform account, contact the person who invited you and ask them to send to the e-mail associated with that account. You can then simply ignore this new invitation, it expires in 5 days.

You are taken to a web page where your account gets set up.

Next, you are asked to set your password.

Click the Continue button to log in for the first time. On the page that opens, click "Allow" on the prompt so the application can determine you physical location (optional, but recommended). 

Although you can edit the Company Name on this form, we recommend leaving it as-is. 

Enter your mobile number and click Next.

On the next screen, view and update your Business type and Scope of Work, if desired.


Changing Organization information (such as Company Name, Business Type, or Scope of Work) changes this at the Platform level - for the entire Organization. 

Click Finish.

You are now a member of the new Organization and are taken directly to Bid Center.

See Bid Center for more information.


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